to04ll26 发表于 2012-7-17 17:30:46


FYI...<br /><br />
按照他的要求大家相应的去更新一下你的EOI吧。我刚把189的选项去掉了,反正我还不满60,占不了189的坑。不知道我刚刚修改还来得及否。。。<br />
<br />
15. Refusal reasons<br />
15.1 Your application for South Australian state nomination will be refused* for any of the following reasons in relation to your Expression of Interest (EOI) through SkillSelect:<br />
<br />
15.1.1 You have chosen multiple states in your EOI (please note: applicants must choose “SA” only in their EOI)<br />
只能选SA哦<br />
<br />
15.1.2 You have selected more than one visa subclass in your EOI (please note: applicants must only choose the state nominated visa subclass selected in their Immigration SA online application)<br />
只能选择190,选择189的可能被拒<br />
<br />
15.1.3 Your nominated occupation in your EOI does not match your nominated occupation on your Immigration SA online application.<br />
<br />
15.1.4 Your personal details in your EOI are different to those recorded on your Immigration SA online application.<br />
<br />
*Applicants refused for any of the above reasons in relation to their EOI may re-apply for state nomination. However, they must meet all state nomination criteria, address all reasons for refusal and submit a completely new application to Immigration SA.<br />
<br />
15.2 If you have previously been approved state nomination and are the holder of a 475 or 487 provisional visa or have lodged a 475 or 487 visa with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) you will not be eligible for state nomination for a subclass 489 or 190 visa and your application will be refused.<br />
终于有官方的说明了,同情475的同学们<br />
<br />
============================================<br />
昨天晚上不甘心,于是注册了个马甲账号去问SA政府,7/2-7/13之前申请者是按照新的雅思4*6.5要求还是旧的4*6来评估。<br />
岂料他给我的回复是:<br />
Dear Migrant<br />
<br />
In response to your e-mail, please provide confirmation of your Immigration SA reference number.<br />
<br />
你说我该不该给他我真实的reference number呢?我用的是马甲email。<br />
<br />
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<br />
借怪乖鱼的帖子(总结一下:<br />
SA在7/16发布新的雅思成绩标准不会影响7/16之前提交SA州担保的同学们<br />
<br />

fmznnqem27 发表于 2012-7-17 21:07:11


udj94dfl 发表于 2012-7-18 05:48:58


rwkd1071 发表于 2012-7-18 13:32:37

我就是被LZ同情的对象,呵呵! 不知道SA什么时候发拒信呢?


oa5c7f2al 发表于 2012-7-19 00:32:45


to04ll26 发表于 2012-7-19 09:19:30


黑人类 发表于 2012-7-19 09:30:06


云中禅心 发表于 2012-7-19 13:49:42


to77ll72 发表于 2012-7-19 15:20:42


水晶小纽扣 发表于 2012-7-20 00:45:16

one visa subclass

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