fu469888 发表于 2011-3-13 22:59:01


如题,原打算是赶7.1之前争取雅思达到4×6,这样子分数就够了。<br />
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现在看机会比较渺茫。<br />
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我的想法是先提交申请,7、8月份再考一次雅思,看能否冲过4个6,这样子可以吗?<br />
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有没有TX是先提交申请再补交雅思成绩的? 一般提交后多长时间会通知补交?<br />
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心灵探测仪2009 发表于 2011-3-14 03:32:03

Definitely NO.

高雅伦 发表于 2011-3-14 15:01:15


ptgv6018 发表于 2011-3-14 22:52:39


cpv5j7a3c 发表于 2011-3-15 08:59:14


dwkfueiefr 发表于 2011-3-15 20:23:53

楼主不厚道啊 同样的帖子发两次。。。

2944986gnv 发表于 2011-3-16 01:25:36


oacc1561 发表于 2011-3-16 11:06:38


fu469888 发表于 2011-3-16 19:24:45


疯狂的肾 发表于 2011-3-16 22:10:36

Changes to the time of provision of evidence of English language ability
There are new arrangements for the provision of evidence for English language ability. Applicants for the following GSM subclasses have until the time of decision to provide evidence of their English language ability.

Skilled – Independent (Residence) visa (subclass 885)
Skilled – Sponsored (Residence) visa (subclass 886)
Skilled – Independent (Migrant) visa (subclass 175)
Skilled – Sponsored (Migrant) visa (subclass 176)
Skilled – Provisional (Regional Sponsored) visa (subclass 475)
Skilled – Provisional (Recognised Graduate) visa (subclass 476)
Skilled – Provisional (Graduate) visa (subclass 485) (where the application was made on or after 27 October 2008).

Applicants should not delay in providing their evidence of English language ability. The department will not delay finalising applications where English language test results have not been provided at time of application. Applicants will have 28 days from the date of application to provide their English language results if they did not provide them at time of application. At this point in time, if evidence has not been provided the application will be refused.

There is no change in the requirements for Skilled – Provisional (Graduate) visa (subclass 485) where the application was made before 27 October 2008 or the Skilled Provisional (Regional Sponsored) visa (subclass 487). The applicant must either provide evidence of English language ability at time of application or provide evidence that they have made a booking to undertake an English language test.



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查看完整版本: 能否赶在7.1之前提交移民申请,两个月后再提交雅思成绩?