聪颖小葛 发表于 2011-3-16 07:36:37


澳洲移民政策是经常变的,根据我的了解,175目前应该是4个6分吧。可是我无意中浏览的aoxing的网站,发现,他上面说现在已经要4个7分了,我还跟客服聊了聊,也说要4个7分,还说4个6分成功率底,我纳闷了,到底哪个是真的?<br />
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请看链接:<br />
http://www.austargroup.com/Polic ... ;ImmigrationId=10#2<br />
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聊天记录:<br />
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您说:(2011-03-16 20:20:00)<br />
不是在7月1号之后,才变7分的吗<br />
在线专家二说:(2011-03-16 20:20:59)<br />
现在已经是需要7分了<br />
您说:(2011-03-16 20:22:50)<br />
怎么会?我看网上的都是6分啊<br />
您说:(2011-03-16 20:22:58)<br />
7月1日之后才要7分的啊<br />
在线专家二说:(2011-03-16 20:23:26)<br />
我们网站上的全部是7分,现在只有计算机类和工程师类职业比较容易申请成功,雅思如果没有7分,申请成功率较小<br />
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公子很俏皮 发表于 2011-3-16 16:03:31

澳大利亚技术移民打分项 - FLYabroad澳大利亚技术移民打分详细说明 - FLYabroad分数年龄(Age)- FLYabroad18-242525-323033-392540-441545-490英语能力(English languag)- FLYabroad雅思单项4个6分(Competent English - IELTS )0雅思单项4个7分(Proficient English - IELTS )10雅思单项4个8分(Superior English - IELTS 8)20与提名职业相关的澳洲工作经历 - FLYabroad
(Australian work experience in nominated occupation
or a closely related occupation)过去2年中有1年工作经历
One year Australian (of past two years)5过去5年中有3年工作经历
Three years Australian (of past five years)10过去7年中有5年工作经历
Five years Australian (of past seven years)15与提名职业相关的海外工作经历 - FLYabroad
Overseas work experience in nominated occupation
or a closely related occupation 过去5年中有3年工作经历5过去7年中有5年工作经历10过去10年中有8年工作经历15学历(包括海外学历和澳洲学历)- FLYabroad
Qualifications&nbsp;&nbsp;(Australian or recognised overseas) • 认可的海外学徒-Offshore recognised apprenticeship
• 澳洲三级证书-AQFIII/IV completed in Australia
• 澳洲文凭-Diploma completed in Australia
Bachelor degree (including a Bachelor degree with Honours or Masters)15博士-PhD20澳洲学习 - FLYabroad
Recognition of Australian Stud2年以上全日制学习
Minimum two years fulltime (Australian study requirement)5社区语言 - FLYabroad
Designated languag需要NAATI认证 recognise applicants who are accredited by&nbsp;&nbsp;
the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) in a designated language.5配偶 - FLYabroad
Partner skills• 必须包含在申请中-be included on the same visa application as the primary applicant
• 配偶不是澳大利亚永居或公民-not be an Australian permanent resident or citizen
• 申请时年龄不超过50岁-be less than 50 years old at the time of application
• 评估的职业在SOL上-nominate an occupation on the Skilled Occupation List, and be assessed by the relevant assessing authority as having suitable skills for the occupation
• 雅思单项4个6分-have Competent English
• 过去24个月中有12个月以上某一SOL上职业的工作经历-have been employed in a skilled occupation for at least 12 months in the 24 months before the application is lodged.
5专业年 - FLYabroad
Professional Year提名职业相关专业
complete an approved Professional Year in their nominated occupation or a closely related skilled occupation.5州领担保 - FLYabroad
Sponsorship by state or territory government 适用于176和886州领担保
Nomination by a state or territory government under a state migration plan,&nbsp;&nbsp;
for the purposes of a subclass 176 or 886 application.5偏远地区担保 - FLYabroad
Sponsorship by family or state or
territory government to regional Australia适用于由州领或者亲属担保的475或487偏远地区移民
Nomination by a state or territory government under a state migration plan, or sponsorship by an eligible relative,&nbsp;&nbsp;
to a regional area for the purposes of a subclass 487 or subclass 475 Skilled – Regional Sponsored application.10偏远地区学习 - FLYabroad
Study in a regional areaapplicants who satisfy the Australia study requirement while studying in regional Australia will continue to be awarded an additional five points.&nbsp;&nbsp;
These points will be available in addition to points claimed for the qualification and for meeting the Australian study requirement.5Pass Mark:通过分65分,该评分标准适用于澳大利亚技术移民175,176,475,885,886,485签证类别,将于 2011.07.01 实施。- FLYabroad


YXP1717 发表于 2011-3-17 02:54:02

中介所的没错,你报的情况不足,她只能通常判断,最后那句是真相,4个6只有计算机和那个什么比较容易,看11年1,2,3月进度追踪,都是software engineer

PlaulpElumn 发表于 2011-3-17 09:14:00


页: [1]
查看完整版本: 我纳闷了,175到底现在是4个6还是4个7?一个中介网上看到现在已经4个7了