我在国内计算机专业专科毕业,软件开发相关工作三年经验,然后申请了RMIT的Bachelor of Technology(Computing Studies) + Master of Computing。Bachelor是三年的课程给免了两年,Master是一年半的课程给免了半年,所以只需要两年时间就可以拿到Bachelor+Master。<br />
如果按照现在ACS的评估政策的话,我毕业后应该怎么申请ACS评估?是算Group A用学历加工作经验申请还是按Group C应届毕业生申请?<br />
如果是按Group C申请的话,是不是我两年间所有的课程都要选软件开发相关的,不能选别的课程?看了下ACS的官方Guideline看得迷迷糊糊的,哪位大人可以解释一下?<br />
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Applications for this group are for skill assessments submitted to the ACS indicating the applicant is seeking <br />
recent skilled employment exemption under the DIAC provisions currently in place for applications meeting<br />
the Australian study requirement.<br />
Refer to DIAC GSM Booklet - 1119.<br />
Applicants should provide evidence that they have a qualification accredited as comparable to an <br />
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)<br />
Qualifications include -<br />
Bachelor (undergraduate) degree, or<br />
Graduate Diploma, or<br />
Higher degree level qualification<br />
The qualification can be obtained from Australia or Overseas and must have a major in ICT in a highly <br />
relevant field to the nominated occupation ANZSCO Code.<br />
ICT Major<br />
A major in a Bachelor degree must have a minimum of two equivalent full-time semesters of ICT <br />
content. Such ICT content must progress through all years of the program with at least one third of it being <br />
at a demonstrably advanced level (final year level).<br />
A Graduate Diploma or Masters degree that does not require an ICT major degree level qualification or <br />
equivalent for entry, being substantially undergraduate in content, must <br />
• Contain a minimum of three semesters<br />
• Contain a minimum of twelve units<br />
• Contain two semesters of full-time equivalent ICT content<br />
• Be underpinned by an ICT or non-ICT degree level qualification or an AQF Advanced Diploma or <br />
Diploma equivalent<br />
• Have at least one semester of ICT study at a demonstrably advanced level<br />
A major in ICT for a Post Graduate Diploma or higher degree qualification that requires a degree-level <br />
qualification in ICT or equivalent for entry must have an ICT content of at least one third, all of which must <br />
be at post graduate level. <br />
Duration of study is expressed for full-time study. Where study is completed at a rate less than full-time, <br />
scaling to the equivalent of full-time is applied.<br />
References for ICT Professional skilled employment may also be included in the PASA Application if <br />
applicants wish to have their professional ICT experience taken into consideration.