前程破浪笑浮沉 发表于 2012-5-8 06:00:03


推荐信可以用公司开出的在职证明代替吗?公司可以用公司logo的信纸开英文在职证明,并盖公章。<br />
再找同事手签个名可以吗?<br />
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还有个问题。ACS 是要求雇主签名的,如果没有雇主签名,要出具a statutory declaration. 为什么看到很多人都找同事签名呢? 我不大想惊动自己的老板。找个level 比我高的同事可以吗?大家准备那个statutory declaration 了吗?<br />
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Statements must be dated and signed by the employer or a person authorised by the employer. The name, position and contact details of the person making the statement must be clearly indicated.<br />
If Unable to Obtain an Employment Reference<br />
If an applicant is unable to obtain an employment reference on a Company letterhead from an employer, an applicant can submit a Statutory Declaration from a work colleague.<br />
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uskv5353 发表于 2012-5-8 08:26:34


g4bhyuug5j 发表于 2012-5-8 17:53:58

不可以,因为要写出你的responisiblity 是什么,在职证明往往就几句话

前程破浪笑浮沉 发表于 2012-5-9 02:57:53

我参照官方的Skilled Employment Reference Example 把我的 roles and responsiblities 打印进去了。


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查看完整版本: acs推荐信用公司在职证明可以吗+雇主签名问题