度过现在 发表于 2012-11-11 05:25:10


我学历比较特殊,帮忙分析一下工作经验的计算问题,。谢谢。<br />
专科03年7月毕业,本科读的自学考试,04年12月拿到毕业证。学士学位是06年拿到的。<br />
本人从03年3月开始工作。 但是评估ACS的时候只写了从05年开始的工作经验,原因是05年之前的工作经历要证明有一定难度就放弃没写。<br />
现在问题来了,为了能凑够海外8年工作经验的加分,我该怎么办?本科毕业时间,学位取得时间跟工作经验有直接关系么?递交申请时我该如何写。<br />
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年龄30,学历15,雅思7炸很难,只能靠工作经验加15才够60的。<br />
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请高人指点。谢谢啦!!<br />
<br />

度过现在 发表于 2012-11-11 09:33:16

顶一下, 有明白的前辈么? 帮忙解答一下,谢谢~

udj94dfl 发表于 2012-11-11 13:44:45

有关系,因为工作经验需要是skilled working experience,这个skilled就要求你的这个工作经验是要有一定技能的。计算机类的工作经验的要求一般是post-qualification。所以你的工作经验要用来claim分数的那段要从你拿到本科学位以后开始算。

度过现在 发表于 2012-11-11 19:59:03

那么ACS评估的那五年移民局应该承认, ACS以后,从2010年到现在的两年多经验, 我claim他们会承认么?

vwqx0541 发表于 2012-11-12 00:30:58

Skilled on basis of educational qualifications
An applicant is taken to be capable of undertaking work at a skilled level only after they have met the entry level requirements for that occupation.

If the entry level prescribed for the applicant’s nominated occupation is a certain qualification only work undertaken after the applicant has completed that qualification will be counted as skilled employment.

For example to be a Systems Analyst, ANZSCO states that the entry level requirement is a bachelor degree or a higher qualification or at least 5 years relevant experience. If an applicant had worked in a systems analyst role while completing their bachelor degree, only the work undertaken after the academic requirements of the bachelor degree had been met would count as skilled employment - see section 17 Working while studying.


typayfjay 发表于 2012-11-12 10:18:11


度过现在 发表于 2012-11-12 15:25:56

谢谢啦, 那惨了~......

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