fuhbh 发表于 2012-11-2 04:21:07

谢谢黄竹子  我之前的两贴也得到了你的好多指点,连同这次回复也解决了我的很多疑问。
3。不知道,咨询ICCA,但提醒一下,职业评估和会员评估是两码事,有可能你已经评成了ICCA full member,但是职业评估依然要各种材料折磨你;
这个意思是说 即使拿到了ACA的会员还要在申请ICAA的会员才能再职业评估,不能等拿到Aca后直接进行职业评估么?哭。。。还是我又理解错了。。。


fuhbh 发表于 2012-11-2 14:54:06

哇哈哈  请问这个直接公证还是清华呀

fuhbh 发表于 2012-11-2 23:17:36

嘿之前的帖子也得到了你的帮助 谢谢你!如果不用谢课程概述就太好 了!!

fuhbh 发表于 2012-11-3 10:01:02


fuhbh 发表于 2012-11-3 11:33:05

你说的很对  我俩都不是独生子女,就是怕成了黑户。。。

fuhbh 发表于 2012-11-3 14:31:08

嗯 嗯 看到你下面的进度表,恭喜你4*7!

fuhbh 发表于 2012-11-3 23:38:03

一起加油 看你块出头啦,只差一个0.5分啊

oivr2952 发表于 2012-11-4 10:31:30


狗狗大帅哥 发表于 2012-11-4 15:37:28

http://www.charteredaccountants. ... ounting-bodies.aspx

I was admitted to my overseas body through a special recognition agreement, could I still apply for Institute membership under this By-Law?

No, the recognition agreements the Institute has established are only relevant to members of the overseas bodies listed above who were admitted to their local body by means of its normal entry requirements, including its education program/examinations and service requirements. If you were accepted through an alternative route it is likely that you will be required to undertake the Institute’s Chartered Accountants Program, although you should discuss your situation with the Assessments Team as you may be able to apply as a special case.

进哥理财 发表于 2012-11-5 03:10:20

第一个问题,如果你先生申请到icaew的full member,icca是完全承认的,但是你先生现在应该是aca,aca和icaew是不是还有点区别?这个你们确认下。

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