可以 但是取决于谁是主申 有效期也会因此受关联影响
10.5 Member of the family unit
Clause 155.212(4) allows grant of a subclass 155 visa to a person whose ‘family head’ holds a subclass 155 visa that is still valid for travel, or has also applied for one and satisfies the criteria for grant.
Member of the family unit is defined at reg 1.12. As subclause 155.212(4) is a ‘time of application’ criterion, the applicant must be a member of the family unit at the time of the application. An adult independent child, will not satisfy reg 1.12 at the time of application, and therefore, cannot satisfy this subclause even if they had previously been considered a member of the family unit.
MFUs can apply separately
There is no requirement for the family members to apply at the same time as the family head/ main applicant. However, if they apply after the family head/main applicant, and they are approved solely on the basis that they are the member of the family unit of a subclass 155 visa holder, the validity of the RRV granted to the applicant must be linked to the RRV held by the family head/ main visa holder. For example, if the family head/ main visa holder has only 2 years remaining on their subclass 155 visa, the applicant’s subclass 155 visa will also cease in 2 years’ time (refer clause 155.511(a)).
If a member of the family unit of a subclass 155 visa holder is eligible for an RRV in their own right (ie because they meet the criteria in 155.212(2), (3) or (3A)), their visa validity should not be linked to that of their family head/ main visa holder. They should be given a 5 year subclass 155 visa.