路人东 发表于 2010-3-23 19:15:16


The new SOL will come into effect from mid-2010 and will apply to all applicants lodging visa applications made on or after this date, except to GSM applicants who at the date of announcement ( 8 February 2010):<br />
• hold a Skilled—Graduate (subclass 485) visa, or had a pending subclass 485 visa application and had not yet lodged an application for a provisional or permanent GSM visa and who make an application by 31 December 2012, or<br />
• have a pending GSM visa application.<br />
<br />
我的翻译是:<br />
新的SOL会在2010年中生效,所有2月8号当日或之后申请的人,在提交申请的时候都将要适用新的SOL。例外是……<br />
<br />
或者是:<br />

Unsonemopehet 发表于 2010-3-24 01:34:13

我觉得是 应该 是&nbsp;&nbsp;或者是&nbsp;&nbsp;当然了 6月30日 是你杜撰的

路人东 发表于 2010-3-24 04:37:59


路人东 发表于 2010-3-24 12:26:01

Q 10 What will happen to applications in the final stages of processing where the department has
requested applicants provide health and character clearances?
The new arrangements apply to all visa applications, including those in the final stages of processing.
Applications in lower priority groups cannot be processed further until those in higher priority groups are finalised in accordance with the priority processing direction.

问题10: 那些进入申请最后阶段,比如要体检的申请人,会受到影响么?

aiwa_chiang 发表于 2010-3-24 18:26:43


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