发表于 2010-4-3 13:19:58
发表于 2010-4-3 19:51:49
而是自己写一篇,跟你这篇文没有关连 你要我写一次吗?
恩!要的! 我就是觉得我写的偏题了,所以不用我的ideas最好了,那就麻烦了
发表于 2010-4-4 02:04:09
As a result of technology advancement, travelling overseas has become much easier in recent years. This results in an increasing number of young people studying and working overseas. It is believed that this will lead to greater international cooperation in the future. This essay will discuss how the increasing number of people studying and working overseas can lead to greater cooperation.
There are many students who choose to study overseas. Take Australia for example, there are lots of overseas students coming to Australia for study. On the one hand, these students can learn new skills such as better English in Australia. They have the opportunity to live with the locals and learn anything of value from them. On the other hand, these students will be a significant source of income to the Australian economy. In this case, we can see that both sides will benefit from those students who study overseas and hence it leads to greater international cooperation.
The same applies to young people who work overseas. If they choose to work in Australia, they will bring in their multi-cultural skills, such as the ability to speak a foreign language to the Australian work force. For instance, there are certain jobs in Australia require the candidate to be able to speak English as well as a foreign language. Yet the majority of local people in Australia can only speak English. This would be an excellent opportunity for overseas workers to get a job and bring about greater international cooperation between Australia and foreign countries.
To summarise, it is true that the increasing number of young people studying and working overseas will lead to greater international cooperation. Furthermore, people who study or work overseas will also learn new skills and benefit from the new country. Therefore, the government should consider bringing in more foreign students and workers by investing more money and resources.
发表于 2010-4-4 04:04:54
收到! 很感动,很感激你,这样对待论坛上一个求改作文的帖子,我会仔细去读和总结,使自己进步。