lkf55555 发表于 2010-5-17 22:04:14


<strong>再上两篇作文,希望大家批下,谢谢!!!</strong><br />
<strong>001</strong><br />
<strong>Nowadays, many people have to work longer time, and they feel more stressed than before. What are the reasons? What can the employers do to make the workers’ life easier?</strong><br />
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We are living in a fast pace society, people are getting much busier and working longer than ever. In seeking suggestions for the sake of all of us, I will explore the reasons firstly.<br />
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Of all, this is an age of material, people produce and consume much more than ever. Even with help of countless inventions and millions of machines working day and night, the products we have are still not enough to satisfy the requirement of us. It is no doubt that everyone deserves a better life and in the way they prefer, but this does explain all why people consumes so many even it is exchanged with stressful working hours. It seems that human being intend to gather unlimited material as scientists pursue new knowledge endlessly. If this is true, we do not have to make a change over it, but we need to find a better way of.<br />
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It is generally accepted that people deserve rests and leisure. Working over time is not only harmful to physical and mental health of employees, but also makes them less efficiency in the over time and next few days before they are totally recovered from enough relaxations. Generally, working over time might bring companies short term interests; but for long term, it damages the quality of their work force and ends the prosperity of the company. Therefore, working over time is allowed only since it is permitted under the law, and it is required in responding to emergency situations. It should never be encouraged in companies. In real practices, companies should take routine reviews on working hours of each employee, and adjust working arrangement and plans for them accordingly to ensure each employee has enough time to rest. Both employees and employers will benefit from this activity in a long run.<br />
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002<br />
<strong>People doing different kinds of work enjoy different amount of holiday time. Should people have the same amount of leisure time? Give your opinion using some of your own experience.</strong><br />
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Different kinds of works has very different working style and load, thus it may provide different amount of leisure time undoubtedly. Generally I believe leisure times of all kind of jobs are given properly and demand no changes.<br />
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Works can be roughly classified with two kinds, physical works and intelligent works. Physical workers are easier to understand how they get tired and how recreational activities can help them. Intelligent workers actually demand more rests as brains can not be recovered quickly as our body can. It is very natural that people working in hard environment are given more resting hours a day averagely. This is best illustrated that policemen are provided with more annual holidays than many other professions. Teachers have less working hours during a year that rest of the population, as they have very few works do as students are on summer or winter holidays. I do not think it is applicable to let teachers to work longer that what they are doing now. Otherwise, teachers would be overloaded when they are no in holidays.<br />
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On the other hand, labors in small factories are forced to work overtime and work on most of public holidays frequently, although laws request no one can work over 50 hours a week averagely. The overtime workings have been threatening worker's physical and mental health seriously, we should not take this for granted for any longer.<br />
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Overall, working hours of different professions have been revised during the course of history; therefore it should not be changed without careful reviews. The government should allocate more resources to monitor and help labors to get enough reset time according to the law.<br />
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