zyl2897 发表于 2010-5-26 15:24:57


kf55hujzyq 发表于 2010-5-26 23:33:35

滴答上面现在发烧贴吵架贴是很多 都是游行闹的 B版主好像也支持游行 所以那边烧的很厉害 还不知道游行后会咋样了 看样子游行是肯定有的了 去的人也不少

cholleync 发表于 2010-5-27 00:28:32


HY091676cz 发表于 2010-5-27 09:04:51


具体详情自己实验下 效果好
shift+backspace 是前进
还有复制剪贴 是ctrl+c和v

自从把chrome的ssh翻蔷功能搞定后 现在基本就用chrome了  速度比firefox爽多了
IE tab
最强的还有bbc 国际广播服务

Google测试员 发表于 2010-5-27 12:04:47

如果游行有用的话 咱们干脆搞个旅游观光团去游行好了 游行关键看你有没有合理的理由要求人家 没合理的理由和切入点 想让澳洲政府妥协 太难了 弄不好反而有反作用

gpqm7570 发表于 2010-5-27 22:35:35


kyowz 发表于 2010-5-28 06:32:42


我理解 我同情


gcwmvthq 发表于 2010-5-28 10:35:24


fu469888 发表于 2010-5-28 11:40:01


jswdw985 发表于 2010-5-28 17:41:37

Reactions to Australia’s Immigration Dept new SOLLisa Valentine | Tuesday, May 18th, 2010 at 7:32 am

Chris Evans defends the new SOL.
The announcement of the new SOL yesterday by the Australian Department of Immigration, is already drawing criticism with warnings that all the recent changes may affect Australia’s international reputation and deter new migrants from applying.

International students have been worst hit by the changes, with some colleges who were previously offering courses on the CSL, now having to change their course lists and some private colleges will also have to reapply for accreditation. It further strengthens the conviction by the DIAC to clamp down on so-called ‘visa factories’, insisting that overseas students should come to Australia to study and not to ‘buy’ a visa.

However many large businesses took advantage of international graduates who had studied for a course on the CSL. The businesses were supplied with a steady stream of eager and skilled workers who could plug the gaps in their skilled workforce.

The Australian Council for Private Education and Training are warning that the changes will damage the reputation Australia has with international students. ACPET chief Andrew Smith accused the DIAC of actively encouraging students to take up courses that have now been shelved.

Mr Smith’s views are backed by some of the comments we’ve been getting on Embrace Australia. NSR had this to say: “I advise Australian Govt (Immigration), CPA, NIA, CAA and all the Australian Universities that not to give an admission to the students who want to pursue their Bachelors / Masters specializing in Accounting and Finance with has less than 7 band in IELTS. If the Universities still provide the admission, it clearly indicates that Australian Govt. wants only money not quality students.”

Tony commented: “It is only logical to see this drop in the number of continuing students and an even greater drop in starting students numbers. Every government in the world has the right to determine who can access its borders. However, subjecting current international students to the new legislative requirements constitutes an act of deceit and deceptive conduct.

DIAC used to come every semester on campus and advertise for the permanent residency pathway after completing one’s studies.

I believe the new change should only apply to NEW international students. You just can’t tell people ‘BAD LUCK’ after all the hard work and more than $100,000 spent in fees in living expenses. Add to this, the emotional costs associated with having already found a job, a partner and lots and lots of friends.”

Mr Chris Evans, Minister for Immigration in Australia, defended the changes saying that the list inherited from the old Howard government meant that highly skilled occupations such as doctors and engineers were actually below more general skilled occupations. He said it was part of the drive to bring in more highly skilled migrants to Australia and make the system fairer.

In a video released by Sky News, Mr Evans makes a public statement about the new SOL saying: “These are the skills we need and making sure the migrants meet those needs…. Not just to accept people who’ve applied just to live in Australia.” The video of Mr Evans can be seen on World News Australia.

Meanwhile give us your reactions to the new SOL by filling in the comments box below, and for support, chat and debate visit our online community.

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查看完整版本: 转战localau了,tigtag太可怕了,满板的游行,没有技术贴了