ywqhua3153 发表于 2010-6-22 10:15:53


托localau的福,我的476已经下来了。<br />
帮朋友问问,现在再申请,是不是雅思成绩不用在申请的时候就下来,而是等CO通知补料的时候之前考出来就可以了?<br />
求教各位大侠~看下面一段英文,感觉应该是说,英语成绩只要在在CO做DECISION之前拿到就可以了。<br />
<br />
http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/g ... ion/whats-new.htm#m<br />
“There are new arrangements for the provision of evidence for English language ability. Applicants for the following GSM subclasses have until the time of decision to provide evidence of their English language ability.”<br />
“Applicants should not delay in providing their evidence of English language ability. The department will not delay finalising applications where English language test results have not been provided at time of application. Applicants will have 28 days from the date of application to provide their English language results if they did not provide them at time of application. At this point in time, if evidence has not been provided the application will be refused.”

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