xdap2258 发表于 2011-1-18 18:18:57


上次考试别的还行,可是写作没到7分现在无法申请州担保..准备再考一次冲4个7!可是写作7分还真有点不知道从何下手来提高...我想可能要抛弃之前准备的慎小嶷书里的一些常用模版和套路...暂时是研究了几篇考官范文,看到好的表达就背一背...<br />
发篇刚练的作文,求指点,求修改,求拍砖..<br />
As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing.<br />
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What factors contribute to job satisfaction?<br />
How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?<br />
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.<br />
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People spend more than one third of their lifetime at work. For most of them, a job is not just a way to earn a living, but a way to gain fulfillment and self -satisfaction.<br />
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What factors are key to gain job satisfaction? In my opinion, there are three major points that leads to it: the satisfying payment, the comfortable working environment and the friendly relationship between colleagues. Payment is essential to an employee because that directly effect the life quality of themselves, and even their families. Most people work so hard for one whole year in the hope of having a huge yearly bonus. Beside payment, it is also a comfy working environment that most employees care about. Nobody wants to work in a noisy, dark or cold place after all. Last but not least, the relationship between colleagues is not an ignorable factor too.&nbsp;&nbsp;A company, or even an office could be seen as a mini society. When everyone around is friendly and easy going, willing to help each other, the job satisfaction of every employee would raise, undoubtedly.<br />
As we all know, the world is no perfection, which means the reality is always not so appealing as we imagine. Some people are struggling to feed their families by working over 10 hours a day with little pay. Some are working hard in the condition lack of water, sunshine or even enough air. Some are involved in office politics and seeing colleagues as enemies.<br />
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However, even though it is unlikely that everyone could be happy about their work, there are many ways to improve the job satisfaction of the employees. If the factors identified above implemented, then more workers would enjoy doing their jobs.<br />
(286 words)<br />
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nmmx64wr 发表于 2011-1-19 02:13:51


xdap2258 发表于 2011-1-19 11:19:39


xdap2258 发表于 2011-1-19 19:41:11


ztouok7106 发表于 2011-1-20 05:47:29


luof6767 发表于 2011-1-20 13:55:54


xdap2258 发表于 2011-1-20 15:57:21


bphboj13bl 发表于 2011-1-20 16:31:45


这种文章属于中国人所说的议论文,重在论点、论据和论证。论点要中正平和,不失于偏颇;论据要确凿,有代表性;论证要逻辑正确,由浅入深,不失于突兀、牵强。本文立论过于绝对,没给自己留后路;论据不够详实,不能令人信服;论证过程不充分,过于松散。而且其中带有浓重的个人感情色彩和不客观的断言。举个例子:Nobody wants to work in a noisy, dark or cold place after all. 三百六十行,行行有行行的辛酸,行行有行行的直接或间接的危险,这就是为什么澳洲有那么多INDUSTRY AWARDS了。这句话听上去象是办公室白领在鄙视重体力劳动者,透着无知、傲慢和狭隘。


2、关注西方媒体对于主要社会事件、社会矛盾、人与自然等方面的态度和措辞,SO THAT YOU CAN SPEAK THEIR LANGUAGE。

swjq7376 发表于 2011-1-20 23:57:06


vcl7b7zd 发表于 2011-1-21 01:41:34

建议楼主找个有经验的外国老师或者前考官, 这应该是最快的提高途径了。

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