还有一个地址, 是我ACS评估的时候的DHL的地址:
Australian Computer Society
Level 3, 160 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000
下面这2个地址, 我用哪个好呢
Deputy Director
Level 11, 50 Carrington Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Deputy Director
Australian Computer Society
Level 3, 160 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Level 11, 50 Carrington Street
Sydney NSW 2000
To lodge an application for review you must write under your signature (not by e-mail) to:
Deputy Director
PO Box Q534,
Queen Victoria Building,
Sydney NSW 1230,
我问DHL快递, 居然说这个邮编1230不存在, 不知道是他们业务范围窄的原因,还是什么问题
Deputy Director
Australian Computer Society
Level 3, 160 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000
我刚刚给ACS语音信箱(+61 (0)2 9290 3422)留了信息:
Hello, This is XXXX, I am a client of the ACS.
I have already called a few minutes ago. But I am afraid I didn't make myself clear. So I called again.
My Reference No is 5XXXX. I have already applied for the ACS Skills Asssessment. But I found that I made a big mistake.
The nomination occupation is not my want. It is not suitable for me to apply for Skilled-Independent Immigration(Subclass is 175).
So I want to change the nomination occupation to Software Engineer(ANZSCO code is: 261313).
I have some questions to inquiry.
The first : can I use the following address to send my review documents:
Deputy Director
Australian Computer Society
Level 3, 160 Clarence Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Because the Post is very slow. I want to send my documents as soon as possible by courier.
The second, I just change the ANZSCO code. My work experience remains no change.
What kind of additional documents should I provide to support my application?
Please tell me the confirmed answer at your earliest convenience.
My email is : [email protected]
or call me back.
Thank you very much.
如果地址有误的话, 我可以在到达澳洲之前告诉dhl, 把地址改回来。
要是还有额外的必须的其它文档的话, 我就立刻根据要求,看看能不能补料, 就是多花点大洋。
Additional document to support my application其实我已经写了一个, 说明了review的原因,并且说明我目前的状况
为何符合review的条件。 就是不知道行不行。
Good luck 楼主