看到免雅思的条件如下,不能很好的理解,请大家帮忙看看,谢谢了<br />
(c) applicants who are:<br />
(i) the subject of an approved nomination and the application for approval of the nomination was made on or after 1 July 2010 in an occupation that does not require a level of English language competency for grant (however described) of registration, license or membership; and<br />
(ii) nominated in the application for approval of nomination in an occupation for an approved position in an occupation that is in ANZSCO Major Groups 1, 2, 4, 5,6, Sub-Major Group 31 or Unit Group 3993;
是的 都可免
谢谢,那请问免英语是根据我说的这条吗?还是其他理由? 太感谢了
(c) applicants who are:
(i) the subject of an approved nomination and the application for approval of the nomination was made on or after 1 July 2010 in an occupation that does not require a level of English language competency for grant (however described) of registration, license or membership; and
(ii) nominated in the application for approval of nomination in an occupation for an approved position in an occupation that is in ANZSCO Major Groups 1, 2, 4, 5,6, Sub-Major Group 31 or Unit Group 3993;
还有,需要什么材料还证明,我可以免掉这两项吗? 谢谢
嗯。。难道你不就是问这个吗? 你是不是觉得简单得不太相信,所以又重复再问一次阿? 恩,那么我的回答也是一样:是的 都可免
只要你的雇主,给你norminate 的职业属于 ANZSCO Major Groups 1, 2, 4, 5,6, Sub-Major Group 31 or Unit Group 3993 则可免
我主要是这句话没看懂 an occupation that does not require a level of English language competency for grant (however described) of registration, license or membership; 我翻译是:这个职位不需要英语考试成绩就可以拿到证书。但是实际过程中,工程师的评估需要4个6的雅思
Mechanical Engineer - 233512 或者 Production or Plant Engineer - 233513,这个是不是属于group 2的啊? 谢谢