f28frh33u5 发表于 2011-12-3 20:58:05

没觉得诡异啊。看内衣秀看得要喷鼻血了,后赶全美音乐奖颁奖,还有那么多超模。。。咳,说正题,为什么题目会有这种说法呢,这要从资本主义的一切商业化的经济制度说起。而在医学领域,你说它是否可以商业化呢,又该商业化到何种程度?部分?完全?在资本社会里,这个问题怎么回答?很复杂的。在资本主义社会的基本制度下,涉及到商品的领域是应该遵循商业准则来运作,但它同时也是人类的基本需求——开头就这么说了,所以题目尖锐指出了这其中的两相矛盾,完全矛盾,可能要一个instead of另一个。事实上,每个资本主义国家(中国不算)都在探索建立一个最合理最平衡的医疗体系,让医学可以发展,让大家都能拥有健康。。。如果有了这个解释,你是不是觉得250个字还不跑题,其实很容易的?


可爱的小猪头00 发表于 2011-12-3 23:06:07


浪无罪 发表于 2011-12-4 06:16:09

但是问题只问了private health care ,文章还分不分析政府呢,找你的说法应该2边比较才能有一个结论,但是题目只问了一边,很可恶

Nrpounwl 发表于 2011-12-4 15:00:35

恩, development 是个重要的词, 我当成利弊题了, 写跑题了, 也呆板无趣, 看这样6分还多给了。

第一段     介绍背景,现在确实很多人不和父母一起住了, 孩子们自己住了, 这样的做法有好处也有坏处
第二段     1)这样做有助于培养和谐的家庭气氛,因为父母和自己生活习惯不一样, 孩子有更多的social activities and job
commitments, 所以他们经常回来很晚,而父母总是做了很多好吃的,孩子总不回来, 长久下来,父母会很失望的
2)孩子单独住,有助于培养independence , 他们需要自己照顾自己,从做饭到清洁都要自己住,

第三段     单独住也有不好的地方, 例如lead to loose connection, parents fell lonely 之类的
第四段     单独住  advantages outweigh drawbacks, 但是children 即使单独住,也要经常和父母联系

文明仁化 发表于 2011-12-4 20:37:56



张一要 发表于 2011-12-5 08:07:39

我的理解是private health's advantage 就是public health's drawback, 反之亦然 。
所以论证的时候, 加点对比, 应该够了

ya7m0e2f2z5 发表于 2011-12-5 15:43:33

YUEXMA 大师, 你看的 a point of view觉得句子连接, 表意转呈和好的例子, 有链接或名字没?
我也读读, 提高一下。

huang3059 发表于 2011-12-5 15:55:32


68ua73q51s 发表于 2011-12-5 19:35:21

Health, like other elements such as education and freedom, is essential to people’s wellbeing. However, many private medical services are so expensive to afford by the poor people that some people argue that government should run the medical service in order to ensure that all people can access to it. This essay will analyse the advantages and disadvantages of private health service.

Obviously, the main weakness of private medical service is that it cannot cover the majority of people, especially the needy. As a basic right of human being, healthy care should available for all citizens equally. Most of private medical centers, however, are giving priority to profit rather than fulfilling the obligation of making people needing the medical care can access to them. In other words, people getting serious diseases would not be cured if they cannot afford the costs. That is why many people insist that government should take the responsibility to ensure all the citizens, no matter rich or poor, can receive treatment if they have got ills.

On the other hand, private health care is also beneficial to the society. For one thing, it can reduce the financial burden of the government. Admittedly, establishing a mature medical system for all people is a tough task for many governments owing to the limitation of budget. But private medical centers can fill this blank. For another thing, private medical service gives those people who are able to afford the addition costs an option besides the public medical center. Because most wealth people are tend to enjoy better service like private doctor or no-waiting hospital beds. All these services are only available by the private health center.

To sum up, although private medical service has its weakness, it still useful due to its special functions.


灵魂出翘 发表于 2011-12-5 20:03:29


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