蕙心小筑 发表于 2012-2-7 11:01:36


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It is common today for the buildings to have various appearances. Some buildings’ exteriors and structures, however, are individualized beyond our wildest imagination, which has impacted its original purpose. As a consequence, an argument arises that the designing of buildings should not be associated with art. <br />
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Admittedly, there are some buildings which are designed in an exaggerated way to express some kind of art. Sometimes the exaggerated structures do affect its functions. No one would deny that the building’s original purpose is to provide a place for people to live in or work in. So any form of art works should be carried out based on the satisfaction of the building’s serving goals. While it seems that the argument of rejecting all the art work is over-responding. It is unnecessary to negate all the designing work of buildings.<br />
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In fact, architecture is indeed a very essential part of the building. Individualized buildings, featured by varying appearances, represent the world cultural diversity to some extent. It is the diversity that makes the world so different. If there were not architecture, the buildings might look like the same; culture might not be preserved, for example; and most importantly a host of architects would lose their jobs, which might impact the social stability greatly. Besides, the buildings, characterized by outstanding exterior, have become the landmarks in some places, which have profound influence upon not only the local residents but also the tourism.<br />
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In my opinion, an intermediate position could be found to address this issue. Creative art work should be encouraged during the produce of buildings, while the crucial function of the building should take the priority to ensure its serving purpose.<br />
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星GUANG 发表于 2012-2-7 22:14:03


蕙心小筑 发表于 2012-2-8 06:48:04

To be honest, 这篇作文我写了近1个小时,besides, 我又改了10来分钟
上回就考了个5.5 眼泪哗哗地~

AcupImpenuimi 发表于 2012-2-8 08:33:37


t8dr8u95 发表于 2012-2-8 18:48:17


狗残党猫老大 发表于 2012-2-9 01:58:21

LZ没有直接回答"do you agree or disagree"这个问题。有被判定为审题不清甚至套材料的危险,但是未必。这类题目最好还是开宗明义,就提出论点同意就是同意,不同意就是不同意,否则task response上可能会丢分。
后面的论述似乎试图是在建筑物的功能性和艺术性上找平衡。但两方面投入的笔墨并不平衡,更多时候在论述艺术性的重要性,但结尾又说功能takes priority,导致观点不甚明确。

hbow0479 发表于 2012-2-9 05:53:21


郭小鹏是猪 发表于 2012-2-9 15:17:10


蕙心小筑 发表于 2012-2-9 22:15:45

改出很多语法问题和用词问题。最重要的是她指出我这篇一边倒 有很大风险 给我评了个5分

蕙心小筑 发表于 2012-2-9 23:11:03


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