三国恋 发表于 2012-4-20 20:26:19


今天趁着头脑还清醒,决定再练习一片10天的作业:<br />
The media should not report crimes in detail. To what extent do you agree or disagree<br />
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这是用电脑敲的,没有用自动纠错,没有查词霸,哈哈,不过真的比用手写快好多呢(看来人类以后真有可能想瓦力里面的未来人一样bone loss呀!)<br />
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The criticism to the media on their detailed coverage of how the crime was conducted has been raised as a wide debate recently. Although it would be difficult to restrict to what extent the details can be disclosed, a common census on how much detail a certain groups of people is eligible to know about shall be reached among the media, regulators and public, and more practically a guideline shall be released by the authorities. <br />
Firstly, the vivid portrait of the condition, reason and procedures of how the victim was hurt could draw much attention from the public, and in some cases it would be amplified and thus introduce the unnecessary worry in the society. Secondly, the detailed information would provide concrete plans to other criminals, and in return similar crimes will increase.&nbsp;&nbsp;Thirdly, the information without any filtering would possibly reach the kids and teenagers who are easily taking it as a script in their jokes or trials which may harm others and themselves.<br />
Someone may argue that the intention of the report is to warn the public with the first-hand information so that people can better protect themselves in certain condition; however it cannot prevent the side effects as described above, which brought worse consequence in the whole society.<br />
All in all, the media report with too much details of crimes can a black sheep if it is published to people without any restrictions, and the side effect of boosting similar crimes may override its benefit to the society even if it originally intends to be an education to the public. The regulators shall take the responsibility to scrutinize the information in media.

积木卡卡 发表于 2012-4-21 06:04:10


无名指de孤单 发表于 2012-4-21 17:11:50


三国恋 发表于 2012-4-22 03:06:16


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