写了篇作文,真心求批改<br />
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In order to learn a foreign language well, students should also learn about the culture and lifestyles of the people who speak the language. Do you agree or disagree?<br />
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Under the wave of globalization, to learn a foreign language is of great importance to many people, especially for students. Some people suggest that the culture and lifestyles of native speakers should also be learned for the sake of proficiency. To my way of thinking, Students will largely benefit from these kinds of learning.<br />
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To begin with, culture is where the language originates therefore anyone who attemps to learn the language should have some acquaintance with the culture. In some situation, one can not understand the language on condition that the context has some subtle information about the culture beneath it. The slang of “winner winner, chicken dinner” is a case in point. People who do not know the culture about casino in Las Vegas can by no means know the meaning of the phrase. Further more, knowing the culture of other people will establish mutual trust, which, by and large, is of paramount important of communication. <br />
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In addition, lifestyles is another significant factor contribute to the proficiency of a language. There are numerous slang and jokes in languages that reflect the lifestyles of the people who speaks the language. To master a particular language well, one should know these lifestyles, otherwise he might not know what the native people really mean. If one person travels to a country where he barely knows about the lifestyles, misunderstandings and confusion will definitely generate. It could be the tips he forget to give, or the conventions he do not understand. It could be the foods he can not appreciate, or the humor he can not sense. Whatever it is, it can not be a pleasant journey.<br />
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In conclusion, it will be beneficial to the language learner to learn the culture and lifestyles of the people who speak the language.<br />
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以上是楼主9月22号一雅前一天晚上写的作文,也是楼主生平第一次写雅思作文。<br />
花了2个小时,好整以暇,又是查词典,又是spell checking,就这种水平,<br />
可以想见,正式考试时候的狼狈样。<br />
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下面说一下9月22号的鸭<br />
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听力:据说选择题有增多的趋势,9月22号的题,一共17道选择题,<br />
分布在section 2和section 3上,内容以车站接人,街道地图,学术asignment的内容出现。<br />
section 4反而比较简单,讲的是澳大利亚蜜蜂和治虫害的方法。<br />
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阅读:阅读就不说了,反正大家普遍不关心<br />
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写作:小作文是封投诉信,你电脑坏了,送修的时候售后人员搞的你很不爽,写封信给经理投诉<br />
大作文将的是电视广告对观众有好处,讨论并给出观点。<br />
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楼主小作文居然花了32分钟,作文纸第一张和第二张都写满了。<br />
大作文楼主真心觉得容易,由于时间分配不合理,尽管楼主有一肚子话说,奈何时间不够了。<br />
考官说5 minutes left的时候,论点还没写完,匆匆鸣金收兵 in conclusion了。<br />
等考官说put down your pencil的时候,刚好写到最后的一个句号。<br />
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出门的时候,顺便瞄了下其他人的卷子,第四面都写满了。而我只写到第四面的第五行左右,<br />
不知道字数够不够。楼主写字偏小。<br />
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口语:考官是个英国妇女,比较nice.开始寒暄几句,问了下工作上的事情。<br />
part2的口语问哪首歌means a lot to you.楼主瞬间petrified,大脑短路半分钟之久。<br />
实在想不出哪首歌对我有特殊意义. 由于时间段,没准备好,随便选了首歌,歌词都不记得,<br />
导致讲到why的时候,不知道说什么好,愣了一下下,接下来车轱辘话,反复说。<br />
整体而言,part2要一定准备,不然就会出现楼主的惨状。楼主考前没任何准备,直接上阵找虐。<br />
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part3问什么歌曲在中国流行,我头脑一热,说了folk music. 老外估计在中国有些年头了,比较惊讶,<br />
我就说对于中老年人来说,新疆、西藏的音乐比较流行,大街上很多大妈对着一个speaker偏偏起舞。<br />
而且楼主一脸的坚持,想convince考官,尽管楼主自习都不信<br />
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另外还问了下现在的人听歌和20年前有何区别,云云。楼主就说了些全球化什么的,大家有得选择,多元化什么的<br />
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总之,鸭子肯定是糊了。成绩出来了再来报告下。<br />
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culture is where language originates, therefore anyone who attempts to learn a language should have some acquaintance with the culture.
按照十天写作上,XXXX; therefore, XXXX.
另外,也可以 XX, therefore, XXXX.