406r0we9 发表于 2012-7-4 11:34:46


2013年2月23日,移民部长公布了新的457签证政策变动。<br />
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On Saturday, Immigration Minister Brendan O'Connor announced the visa program would be tightened to protect the interests of Australian workers.Advertisement <br />
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He said that the growth in visa numbers had outstripped skills shortages and natural employment growth, leading to discrimination against local workers and lower wages.<br />
''Australians deserve the chance to get local jobs on local projects and the Government is determined to make that happen,'' Mr O'Connor said.<br />
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The changes, to be announced today by Mr O'Connor, include:<br />
EXTRA investigation powers for inspectors to get information from bosses they suspect of being dodgy.<br />
A NEW test to prove jobs were for "genuine" skills shortages because some employers were creating positions that were really "unskilled and possibly not even a real job".<br />
CLOSING loopholes that allow foreign workers to be paid less than an Australian citizen by increasing from $180,000 to $250,000 the threshold at which they must pay "market rates".<br />
STOPPING employers creating their own market to manipulate pay rates.<br />
RAISING requirements for foreign workers to speak English.<br />
RESTRICTING foreign workers being on-hired to a different employer in regions where there are not skill shortages.<br />
CHECKING that employers offer training for locals to fill skills shortages before they seek foreigners.<br />
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457自雇,187/186/457雇主担保以及配偶移民办理<br />
大家好,我是澳大利亚的注册移民代理,在此开帖回答关于配偶移民,雇主担保(186,187)和457的相关问题,部分专业(管理,营销,会计,it类,技工类)可以协助国内客户寻找澳洲当地雇主。因为业务限制,暂时只办理这三个类别的签证。大家如果对这三个签证类别,有任何疑问,欢迎提问,我会尽快回答。<br />
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联系方式 qq: 2601736763.<br />
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19gyhusfe4 发表于 2012-7-4 20:21:45


ABC晴天 发表于 2012-7-5 05:26:47


406r0we9 发表于 2012-7-5 14:50:29


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无证上网 发表于 2012-7-7 08:12:56


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查看完整版本: 457签证政策重大变动