ovn1u7lju 发表于 2012-4-28 04:17:28

父母移民 other dependents ?

有没有前辈试过把父母作为other dependents来移民? 想让我妈妈和我一起移民, 她现在和我生活在一块儿,因为没有收入,所以应该可以满足经济上的依赖关系,但是有帖子说移民的政策是one fails, all fail,所以比较纠结,可有前辈指点?<br />
<br />
以下是官方定义的,但是没有提到需要什么evidence来prove,<br />
Other dependants<br />
You may include other relatives in your application if they are wholly or substantially <br />
reliant on you for financial support for their basic needs of food, shelter and clothing and <br />
they have been reliant on you for that support for a substantial period. They must also be <br />
more reliant on you for support than on any other person or source.<br />
A relative may also be considered dependent on you if they are reliant on you for <br />
financial support because they have a mental or physical disability which stops them <br />
from earning a living to support themselves.<br />
Other relatives dependent on you or your partner may include, for example, an aged, <br />
unmarried relative.

5y3n5k9u93 发表于 2012-4-28 16:15:35

楼主,你好,我最近也在纠结这个问题,不知你现在办好了吗?是否把妈妈加进了dependent relative?

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