wnig7851 发表于 2013-8-28 17:48:32


帝里风光 发表于 2013-8-28 19:59:44


一车农民 发表于 2013-8-29 02:06:32

你还是认真研究下各州的官网吧,不要仅仅关注论坛。对于我261313来说,NSW从8月就暂停了,SA在9月份打开过2天就close了,NT需要job offer,对于我的职业来说,想要这个财年拿visa,只有4x7,要么等下个财年重新打开。不同职业,情况千差万别。我也吃过只知道埋头读书的,不关心信息的苦头,所以才导致雅思很早就考出来,评估却刚刚拿到,如果我知道应该先做评估的话,就不会错过NSW的末班车了。

冒天条的天蓬 发表于 2013-8-29 03:10:54

难道不是general training容易吗

8l9e2911 发表于 2013-8-29 14:47:54


一车农民 发表于 2013-8-30 02:25:42

2nd, academic result, L8, R7.5,W5.5,S6
I suspect they did adjustment for reading band, for example, 30 correct answers can get band 7.5. Reading on Dec 7th was far more difficult than the one on July, 27th. I finished the test on July,27th in 45 minutes. By contrast, I fought until the last minute on Dec 7th. I could not find direct answers for 10+ questions in the articles and just followed my feeling to answer them. At that time, I was desperate and thought I could get band 7 for reading.
After the attack in reading, I totally messed up in writing, so I deserve the band.
It is not surprising to get band 6 again for speaking as I spent less time on it.
Nevertheless, life goes on and I'd say good-bye to A test. I will take G test from January. Wish I would have a better luck.

南国有佳任倾城 发表于 2013-8-30 03:47:55


梅三叠 发表于 2013-8-30 14:31:58

楼主跟我的考试时间一模一样,我也约了3雅1.18。悲催的是还是没有过7的希望。口语始终不上6,尽管所有的时间都花在口语,其它都是裸考= =。

安沫槿 发表于 2013-8-31 00:14:47

楼主加油 祝你好运

一车农民 发表于 2013-8-31 00:54:26

3rd IELTS, (G) , L:7.5, R: 7, W:6.5, S:6.0, 口语没准备band 6,我也就认了。花了大把时间,搞作文,学习研究北北的ABC和词伙+ 每天一篇大小作文。绝对不止6.5,准备复议

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