天海南北 发表于 2008-2-2 18:18:45

23.Working with the Customer as a joint team, we created a unique, tailor-made solution. Now, when warranty period for delivered equipment has been finished, I continue to work in close contact with Customer, reviewing solution outcome in daily operation. With the aid of Site Supervisors I get monthly performance statistics and discuss with technicians, if there should be done any corrections in pump configuration to improve network performance. d) Summary

24.In designing stage, I analysed great number of possible alternatives for selected pump’s configurations. Chosen solution was optimised from both technical and economical sides and completely meet Customer requirements. I provided specifications and documentation required by Russian laws and regulation and worked in permanent contact with designers, research and manufacturing managers about engineering aspects of whole package and package elements. For the job on this project VooDoo People International awarded me with the company’s Achievement Award in year 2000.


天海南北 发表于 2008-2-3 06:15:11

Career Episode 3 a)Introduction
1.In this narrative, I’d like to describe my currently occupied position. I’ve been working on this position since May 1997. My employing organisation is VooDoo People International Ltd (Australia), Khabarovsk Representative Office. The title of position occupied by me is Senior Sales Engineer. Events described in this narrative took place mainly in Dalnegorsk city, Primorsky Territory, Russia. b) Background

2.In the beginning of this year I was contacted by specialists of Dalpolymetall Company, Dalnegorsk city, Primorsky Territory, Russia. The reason was that they faced the problem with the tailing pimps. Due to increased level of the tailing dump by 5 meters existing pumps failed to develop the required head. I needed to develop solution that will satisfy client’s requirements.

3.I decided to visit client to collect all the necessary data myself. I reviewed the background data submitted by the client. I also carefully studied the sketches of the tailing pipeline and overlooked tailing dump itself. As usual I closely collaborated with client’s specialists – mill supervisors, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, and metallurgical specialists.

4.For this project I carried out all the necessary calculations using my computer. While I was working on the project I took part in the negotiations with the customer, where we discussed the engineering and environmental problems. After completing the work on technical issue I submitted the explanatory note to the customer for consideration.

5.Working on this project I actively used and demonstrated my knowledge both in the engineering and non-engineering fields. I applied all the obtained knowledge and tried to get the new information about latest techniques, equipment and mechanisms c) Personal Workplace Activity

6.I calculated the friction losses, pipeline details and total dynamic head for this application. The head that pump must develop was so high, that I decided to consider two options: - one-stage system; In this case I needed to select metal lined pump with high efficiency impeller; - two-stage system; In which I could select rubber lined pumps, which provides a much better wearlife;

7.I found that one-stage system had a number of benefits, but also a number of disadvantages. First benefit was that it required client to purchase one only operating pump. Another advantage was that he would need to serve one pump only. On the other hand this option had some weaknesses: firstly, it was impossible to fit pump with rubber liner because high head required high speed which may cause quick wear of rubber parts. Secondly, pump must be fitted with the larger motor than in 2-stage system – it may cause difficulties with pump starting. Due to big motor pump will require bigger size base and bearing assembly, which will affect on the total unit price.

8.For this application I studied a lot of materials which contained the information about multi-stage pumping system. Being out of office I used the Internet resources where I could get sufficient volume of information from. The careful study of this information made it possible for me to offer the solution, which, I consider would suit the client best.

9.First of all I realised that in 2-stage system each pump will have better efficiency than running 1-stage. I calculated absorbed power and found that energy consumption for both pumps in 2-stage system will be less that in one-stage system. I noted it in my comments to the quotation. I also identified that consumption of spare parts in two-stage system will be less for two pumps rather than for single pump in one-stage system. These two main reasons could save to my client about USD 50,000.00 annually. I always take into account the financial situation of my customers.

10.I offered to the client two options for his consideration. I underlined the advantages and disadvantages of each. The technical meeting was held at site in order to consider my quotation. During the meeting I answered a variety of technical and commercial questions.

天海南北 发表于 2008-2-3 17:38:01

11.I also made provision to calculate the total ownership cost (TOC) for three options: - use of existing pumps arranged into two-stage system; - one-stage VooDoo People pump; - two-stage system with VooDoo People pumps in operation. To achieve the required figures I obtained a whole range of data working closely with mechanical engineers, mill supervisors, and people from finance department.

12.Total Ownership Cost included the following components, per annum:
• Capital expenditures,
• Spare parts cost,
• Absorbed Power cost,
• Labor cost,
• Gland water supply cost,
• Parts inventory cost,
• Plant downtime cost, The calculation I made showed that two-stage system with VooDoo People pumps was most cost-effective option among three considered.

13.Developing this solution, I managed to apply all my knowledge and skills of a mechanical engineer. The solution proposed by me was approved and accepted by the customer. d)Summary

14.Duties and tasks delegated to me are very diverse. So I have to demonstrate my knowledge both in the engineering and non-engineering fields. I apply all the obtained knowledge and try to get the new information about latest techniques, equipment and mechanisms. Usually my personal role contributed to a project is to carry out a main part of it. To the present time all the solutions carried out by me solved all the tasks successfully. I got trust and respect of my colleagues and customers. They rely on me as on experienced engineering professional and I always ready to consult about issues, related to my competence.

到此,CDR报告的主体部分三个完整的工程报告就结束了,之后是一些例行的报告内容。我们一般所说的IEA职业评估材料除了CDR工程报告以外还包括Narratives Analysis(叙述性报表分析)和Summary Statement of Competencies Claimed(职业技能总结性陈述)。这两个报告性文件事实上是对你在工程报告内容的总结分析归纳,用清楚的逻辑来说明在哪个工程里你表现出了哪些工程师的职业技能和素质。根据澳洲工程师手册上一条一条对应起来列出。请见以下分析。写了一个工程报告后,后面两个就感觉顺手多了 ,倒是这两个分析报告写得很慢很头大 ,甚至为了要紧扣职业类别而回过去修改工程报告


天海南北 发表于 2008-2-3 23:01:27

Narratives Analysis

I believe that I have demonstrated the most of specified components, describing Professional Engineer attributes and competencies.

In the Competence Unit PC1:
For PC1.1 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, c, d, e, f, g.
For PC1.2 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, c, d.
For PC1.3 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, c.
For PC1.4 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, d, e, f.
For PC1.5 I demonstrated Criteria a, c, e.

In the Competence Unit PC2:
For PC2.1 I demonstrated Criteria a, c, d, f, g.
For PC2.2 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, c, f.
For PC2.3 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, c.
For PC2.4 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, d.
For PC2.5 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, d.
For PC2.6 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, c.

In the Competence Unit PC3:
For PC3.1 I demonstrated Criteria a, c, d, e.
For PC3.2 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, c, d, e.
For PC3.3 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, c, d, e.
For PC3.4 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, c.
For PC3.5 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, e.
For PC3.6 I demonstrated Criteria a, b, c, e, f.


天海南北 发表于 2008-2-4 04:42:27

Summary Statement of Competencies Claimed
Competency element:PC 1.1
How and where demonstrated:

a. Engineering practice is a solid and a regular part of my daily activity
CE1.9-1.13, CE2.7-2.14, CE2.17, CE2.20-2.22, CE3.6-3.9

b. I use appropriate techniques and tools in my engineering practice
CE1.4-1.5, CE1.11-1.13, CE2.7-2.11, CE2.17, CE2.21-2.23, CE3.6-3.12

c. My outcome require innovative thought and intellectual rigor as described in CE1, CE2, CE3
CE1.4-1.7, CE1.9-1.15, CE2.9-2.11, CE2.17-2.19, CE2.21-2.23, CE3.6-3.12

d. I do report about project’s development on a regular base during project execution to both my customer and my management
CE1.2, CE1.13-1.14, CE2.9, CE2.15, CE2.18-2.19, CE2.22-2.23

e. I achieved recognition from colleagues and clients working in my current position
CE1.16, CE2.24, CE3.13

f. I use opportunities to solve problems applying my engineering knowledge
CE2.7, CE2.9, CE2.12-2.14, CE3.6-3.10

g. Working on the projects, I demonstrate awareness of safety, environmental and community issues
CE1.7, CE1.12-1.13, CE1.15, CE2.5, CE2.17, CE2.19, CE2.21-2.23

Competency element:PC 1.2
How and where demonstrated:

a. I check my efficiency, performance, and motivation; I review own strengths and determine areas for development
CE1.8, CE1.17-1.18

b. I create plans for my professional development
CE1.17, CE1.19

c. I undertake engineering professional development activities
CE1.6, CE3.8

d. I constantly improve my non-engineering knowledge and skills
CE1.6, CE1.17


天海南北 发表于 2008-2-4 11:43:28

Competency element:PC 1.3
How and where demonstrated:

a. Developing projects, I interact with specialists in different areas to reach project targets, expand my knowledge and apply new information in engineering practice
CE1.3-1.5, CE1.8, CE1.14-1.16, CE2.7, CE2.9, CE2.15, CE2.18-2.19, CE2.21-2.23, CE3.3, CE3.11

b. I consider a range of information sources to develop present engineering focus
CE1.6, CE1.12, CE1.16, CE2.9, CE2.11, CE2.18, CE2.22-2.23, CE3.8, CE3.11

c. My position gives me opportunities to integrate my engineering knowledge and management experience to reach success in complicated projects as it was described in CE1-CE3.
CE1.2-1.5, CE1.7-1.8, CE1.15-1.16, CE2.7-2.11, CE2.15, CE2.18-2.19, CE2.21-2.23, CE3.10-3.12

Competency element:PC 1.4
How and where demonstrated:

a. I identify and propose options to achieve innovative solutions
CE1.4, CE1.12-1.13, CE1.16, CE2.11, CE2.14, CE2.17, CE3.6-3.10

b. I produce new concept / solutions
CE2.14, CE2.21-2.22, CE3.10-3.12

c. I regularly implement new engineering practice applying quality principles
CE1.4, CE1.13, CE2.12-2.13, CE2.17, CE3.6-3.9

d. I propose means of measuring and evaluating solutions

e. I apply new engineering practice
CE1.6, CE1.12-1.13, CE2.8, CE2.11, CE2.21, CE3.6-3.12

Competency element:PC 1.5
How and where demonstrated:

a. In my projects I identify and take into account correlation and interference of environmental, financial, political and physical outputs with the chosen engineering solution
CE1.7, CE1.12-1.13, CE1.15, CE2.2-2.5, CE2.9, CE2.17, CE2.21, CE3.9

c. I provide projects conformity with Safety and Environmental regulations
CE1.13, CE2.24

e. I identify long term environmental and sustainability issues associated with engineering activities
CE1.13, CE1.15, CE1.18-1.19, CE2.21-2.23, CE3.9


Nawncreesse 发表于 2008-2-4 15:08:12


天海南北 发表于 2008-2-4 20:37:28

Competency element:PC 2.1
How and where demonstrated:Unit PC2: ENGINEERING PLANNING AND DESIGN

a. Work under project specification I start from negotiation with customer understanding and transforming his needs to written and signed by both sides document
CE1.9, CE2.7, CE3.3
c. I document the requirements, negotiate and obtain agreement on acceptance criteria
CE2.7, CE2.9, CE2.15, CE2.18

d. I analyse clients requirements for the design criteria
CE1.9-1.10, CE2.7, CE2.9, CE3.2, CE3.6

f. To prepare functional specification, I select and apply engineering standards
CE1.5, CE1.7, CE1.13, CE2.7, CE2.10, CE2.15, CE3.11-3.12

g. I do final cross-checking together with the customer to ensure, that all input requirement and potential risks were considered and to define and fix acceptance criteria
CE2.15, CE2.18

Competency element:PC 2.2
a. In my daily work I apply innovative approaches to the projects I work on
CE1.4, CE1.7, CE1.11-1.13, CE3.8-3.10

b. I investigate and analyse different design concepts to achieve requirements
CE1.7, CE1.15, CE2.12-2.13, CE3.6-3.12

c. I seek advice from appropriate personnel and sources
CE1.6, CE1.16, CE2.17-2.18, CE3.8

f. I constantly seek advice on latest technologies
CE1.6, CE1.16, CE2.12, CE3.8-3.9

Competency element:PC 2.4
a. It is my obligation to ensure that the supporting documentation is clear, accurate and full
CE1.7, CE1.14, CE2.15, CE2.20-2.21

b. I ensure that the designed item is identified by agreed design records
CE2.7, CE2.15, CE2.17-2.18

d. I ensure that the documentation remain accurate during the project development
CE2.7, CE2.9, CE2.15, CE2.19-2.

Competency element:PC 2.6
a. I monitor the equipment performance on a regular base

b. I keep contacts with my customers and see for feedback from the commissioning process

c. I evaluate the design / project outcome in the user’s environment
CE3.9, CE3.11-3.12

大家可以看到,在Summary Statement里面有的小写英文字母打头项b,d等等是空缺的,不是漏写,而是他的工程报告中没有涉及到这些对应的职业技能素质条款,因此就不需要写。根据IEA的要求,阿拉伯数字标注的每一大条都要求写,如PC1、PC2、PC3。。。。不能漏写任何一条,而每一大条下的分条如PC2.1、PC2.2、PC2.3也必须都写,不能跳过,我就是因为看一些不重要的就忽略了,结果他们要求我补全,补完就Ok了(这篇里头他跳过了,PC2.4下去直接就是PC2.6,因为他那时候还没那么严格,现在不可以跳过)。 而PCX.X下面的a,b,c,d小项,就可以挑一些来写,不用面面俱到,我写不全,光写阿拉伯数字的就很累 。

在工程师评估手册上可以看到示范,Summary Statement应该写成表格的形式,我这里贴表格排版麻烦所以就没用。


天海南北 发表于 2008-2-4 21:47:56


http://www.engineersaustralia.or ... B-9CC2-1CB9B12883C5
我们是海外工程师是根据 Overseas Qualifications Assessment Kit 这个文档来写自己的材料,有详细的说明。但对于你自己特定的专业,就要去查找准确的职业描述。




天海南北 发表于 2008-2-5 04:25:15

Competency element:PC 3.1
How and where demonstrated:

a. I manage my own time and processes
CE1.8, CE1.10, CE2.7, CE2.9, CE2.21, CE3.3
c. I complete tasks in a competent and timely manner
CE1.8, CE1.13, CE1.16, CE1.19, CE2.15, CE2.21-2.23, CE3.10-3.14

d. I demonstrate professional ethic
CE1.4, CE1.14, CE3.10

e. I cope with the changes
CE2.7, CE2.9, CE2.15

Competency element:PC 3.2
How and where demonstrated:

a. Communication with others is important part of my job as in technical and in management areas.
CE1.2, CE1.4, CE1.16-1.17, CE2.7, CE2.9, CE2.18 CE2.21-2.23, CE3.11

b. Description of methods and tools, used by me (PA discussions, etc.) can be found in CE 1
CE1.4, CE1.17

c. I develop and maintain trust and confidence of colleagues and clients
CE1.4, CE1.13, CE1.16, CE1.18, CE2.7, CE2.9, CE2.18, CE2.22-2.23

d. To enhance communication level I attended training courses

e. I work with my team focusing them on engineering aspects
CE1.4, CE1.8

Competency element:PC 3.3
How and where demonstrated:

a. Reviewing relevant information is an important part of my job
CE1.10, CE2.12, CE2.17, CE3.8

b. I continuously search for latest information about technical standards, statutory requirements and legislation
CE1.5-1.6, CE1.17-1.19, CE3.8

c. I permanently work and analyze different sources of technical and non-technical information
CE1.6, CE1.17, CE3.8

d. During project realisation I setup document turnover
CE1.7, CE1.13, CE2.7, CE2.10,

e. Analysing information is a significant part of my daily activity
CE2.15, CE2.22-2.23

Competency element:PC 3.4
How and where demonstrated:
a. I put priorities for different jobs to achieve personal, team and company’s goals and objectives
CE1.8, CE1.17-1.19

b. I prepare, monitor and control work plans
CE1.8, CE2.6, CE2.22-2.23

c. I plan available resources to achieve targets
CE1.4, CE1.6, CE1.8, CE1.16-1.17


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