ybluse 发表于 2011-8-6 23:16:46


You may get an update on the date we are currently processing by
sending a blank email with the subject  STATUS to
[email protected].

ysihg7t4r3i 发表于 2011-8-7 08:59:49

Thank you for applying for a Migration Skills Assessment with Engineers Australia. Please note that applications are dealt with on a first-in, first-out basis. Please refer to the date on the receipt which acknowledged your fee payment. 1. If you have lodged a COMPETENCY DEMONSTRATION REPORT (CDR), the current turnaround time is c.16 weeks - CDR applications received on the 02 August 2011 are currently with an assessing case officer - formal advice of the outcomes will be generated within the next 10 days or so  2. If you have lodged a Washington or Sydney ACCORD application, or accredited Australian Engineering Qualification (AEQ) for assessment, the current turnaround time is c.4 weeks - Accord or AEQ applications received on the 28 September 2011 are currently with an assessing case officer - formal advice of the outcomes will be generated within the next 10 days or so Please make due allowance for delivery times per Australian Post, etc

rrqk9295 发表于 2011-8-7 14:25:27


begx6148 发表于 2011-8-7 20:01:27


wr28hujxzi 发表于 2011-8-7 20:12:58


nzftf471 发表于 2011-8-8 02:37:35


Please refer to the date on the receipt which acknowledged your fee

1.   If you have lodged a COMPETENCY DEMONSTRATION REPORT (CDR), the
current turnaround time is c.12 weeks

- CDR applications received on the 04 August 2011 are currently with an
assessing case officer - formal advice of the outcomes will be generated
within the next 10 days or so

fjkrupafq 发表于 2011-8-8 13:10:54


灌水一族 发表于 2011-8-8 22:50:35

十一是周六,当然放假。。哈哈。。这个周末也是长周末,周一是女皇生辰(西澳) 也是其他州的劳动节。。Anyway..  澳洲刚好也放十一。。

ilgtf 发表于 2011-8-9 08:03:02

激动紧张 还有十天左右轮到我

PrealayCate 发表于 2011-8-9 08:13:47

so it is....

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查看完整版本: ea评估受理状态更新帖-当前排队时间13周 2012-6-27正在受理2012年3月27日的申请