新大众证券 发表于 2013-2-10 12:03:35


葛建夫 发表于 2013-2-10 23:18:39

这段话不是DIAC说的,是引用的统计局的报告,意在说明从事该职业大多数人是学士或者是学士以上学历。具体百分比可以去Work force and productivity agent看。百分比大约是七成。至于抵扣的说法,个人感觉是子虚乌有。

碎星骑士 发表于 2013-2-11 10:22:28


SOL Summary
Employment of Software and Applications Programmers has increased strongly by 24.2% over
the past five years and is projected to increase a further 7.2% to 2015-16. The unemployment
rate for this Unit Group is lower than the ‘all occupations’ unemployment rate.

Domestic higher education enrolments decreased by 1.9% and completions declined by 42.6%
over the past five years, indicating supply is not keeping pace with demand over this period and
into the medium to longer term.

Each of the five submissions received in relation to this occupation supported retention on the
2012 SOL, citing a number of issues which will promote continued demand, including: the NBN;
growth in IT security concerns; and boom in social networking development.

The evidence indicates the demand for Analyst Programmer, Developer Programmer, and
Software Engineer is expected to exceed supply over the medium to longer term.
These occupations are included on the 2012 SOL but continue to be flagged for further
monitoring of labour market conditions due to slightly below-average student outcomes.
261314 Software Tester has not been included on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL).

Software Tester is included on the Specialised Occupation List (SpOL).
 This occupation is generally less skilled than the other occupations in this Unit Group:
Analyst Programmers, Developer Programmers and Software Engineers. Only 56% of
Software Testers had a Bachelor degree or higher compared with an average of 73% for the
other three occupations (2006 Census).

小艺艺 发表于 2013-2-11 20:58:46


nmmx64wr 发表于 2013-2-12 07:13:53

你说的是PAM3吧?根本不收费,移民局网上搜索PAM3就能看到。并且统计局对于IT类的职位,如果有Vendor Certificate,就不扣五年。

dwkfueiefr 发表于 2013-2-12 08:34:44

这么重要的一条rule只有内部渠道可以查到的话,那一个申请人由于没有请“内部人士”操作, 由于误解而导致拒签,不是非常不合理的事情么。 签证官如果用内部条例做理由来拒签,就更不合理了

ddj4007r 发表于 2013-2-12 19:24:18

所以现在acs为了避免大家混乱,在评估结果信里明确加上了,你从某年某月开始以后的经验可以被视作skilled employment,这回不乱了。捋明白了。遗憾的是,本科好像也捎带手被+了个两年。

波兰至尊 发表于 2013-2-13 03:57:37

看得出ACS和diac也希望能吸纳有一定工作年限的高技术IT人才移民。那种学校出来才干了1-2年的IT人,不被认可为highly skilled。

grt31m8hlk 发表于 2013-2-13 05:12:22


nu7w7q9i6a 发表于 2013-2-13 05:43:59


ICT minor + 工作8年 + vendor certification,我这种情况会不会被扣2年?
因为我看到vendor cdrtification是被认为是ICT major的。


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查看完整版本: 5年工作经验抵学士学位,有这个说法吗?