ACS处于Stage4, 为了多增加两年工作经验,我想补读硕士期间的两年part-time工作材料。请问现在可以补吗?<br />
还是要等ACS评出来之后才能补?<br />
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I suggest that you check the ACS FAQ link to see if there is any similar answers.
For the review, you can apply for it in 60 days after you get the result.
Thank u very much. i 'll check right now.
只有STAGE 3可以补料,你提交以后,如果ACS不主动要求,无法主动补料。你可以出了结果申请review补料,但是要单花钱,355AUD一次。
Here you go:
My application is at stage 4 but I want to include additional documents, will you consider these?
--> No, we ask all applicants to ensure their application is decision ready before submitting it to us. If the assessor believes that additional documents are clearly required before finalising the application, then you will be sent an email requesting the missing documents.
Refer to here: ... ng-your-Application