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研究生毕业后工作满8年了,5月8号提交ACS,现在等结果中。<br />
但是突然出来了个减两年的政策,措手不及呀。<br />
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没有别的办法,只能想办法凑满8年。方法如下,大家看可行吗?<br />
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研究生阶段有part-time job,找个当时的同事帮忙写推荐信,就说研究生阶段工作了将近三年,每周20小时。<br />
不过,当时的公司已经不存在了,没有社保,工资单之类的东西。也就是说没有任何实际的证据,除了可以找到以前的同事外。<br />
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请问,这样可以再加两年工作经验吗? 一周20小时够不够?<br />
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补充一下:<br />
本科是管理学学士。专业是: 管理信息系统<br />
硕士是工学硕士。 专业是:计算机应用 <br />
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经过大家的帮助,基本操作步骤如下:<br />
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1. 找当年的同事写推荐信,每周20小时的软件开发,共从事了2年半。<br />
2. 等ACS结果出来后申请review,同时提交新的推荐信。<br />
3. 等新的ACS。<br />
请大家看看合适不?非常感谢。<br />
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<strong>另外,当时的公司已经不存在了,没有社保,工资单之类的东西。也就是说没有任何实际的证据,除了可以找到以前的同事外。<br />
非常担心这个的贝雕,请高手支招。</strong><br />
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PAM6 ? 是什么? 能否给个链接?谢谢。
Regulations - Schedule 6C - General points test - Qualifications & points (General Skilled Migration visas)
Procedures Advice Manual (PAM3), Immigration National Office
可以去GOOGLE搜索。简称PAM3: Sch6C
23 Working while studying
23.1 At the skilled level
It is possible for student visa holders to meet the definition of employed. However, care should be taken in determining whether this employment was at the skilled level:
applicants must meet the entry level qualification as specified in ANZSCO (for example, a certificate III including at least two years of on-the-job training for a Carpenter, or a bachelor degree for an Accountant), before any work undertaken in that industry is considered to be skilled.
A person who worked in an architect’s firm for ten months during the course of their undergraduate architecture degree and continued in that role for two months after the degree was completed, has worked at a skilled level for only two months. The applicant’s experience as an architect employed at a skilled level is limited to the two months after obtaining the entry level qualification.
By contrast applicants pursuing advanced studies in Australia, may be able to use work undertaken using their lower level qualification gained either in Australia or overseas to obtain additional points related to employment.
A person enrols in a Masters of Accounting course in Australia. While completing their studies they work in an Accounting firm using the skills they have gained in their overseas bachelor degree. This would be considered ‘skilled’ work.
A person completes a Certificate III in Cabinet making, before going on to study a Certificate IV in that field. If the person works using the skills gained in their Certificate III while completing their Certificate IV, this would be considered ‘skilled’ work.
In all the examples above, the applicant would also need to be:
working at least 20 hours a week
performing tasks that correspond with the ANZSCO descriptor for the occupation in question before they would be considered to have been ‘employed’ in a skilled occupation.
1. 找当年的同事写推荐信,每周20小时的软件开发,共从事了2年半。
2. 等ACS结果出来后申请review,同时提交新的推荐信。
3. 等新的ACS。
我想问一下,本科毕业,工作8年,如果按照减2年来算的话,只有6年时间。我在本科读书期间有过一段part time job。是否可以通过添加一份part time job的推荐信(part time的时间为2年)进行评估。该评估的结果是按照8年算还是6年?请大侠指点一二。