发表于 2013-6-20 08:51:27
没有提过这个时间啊, 这个是他们自己定的时间, 如果实在是not closely related 的话,应该在result letter中写明才是啊
发表于 2013-6-20 13:59:17
Your experience between 03/07 to 03/11 has been considered in the skill assessment application in determining the outcome of your application
As your qualification has been assessed as not closely related to the nominated occupation you are required to demonstrate 4 years of experience to gain a suitable outcome.
他们的回复, 感觉就是找个理由, 然后扣你年头
发表于 2013-6-20 19:30:42
发表于 2013-6-21 06:02:56
应该是 不会的
发表于 2013-6-21 15:42:04
ACS已经出了官方通告,关于skilled experience的门槛的问题:
ACS Skill Assessment Result Letters
All ACS Skill Assessment Result Letters report on a date (mm/yy) of when an applicant becomes ‘skilled’.
This date will be when the applicant meets the ACS Requirements, these requirements are detailed in the Summary of Criteria
Please note, only employment completed after the date the applicant has met the ACS requirements will be counted as skilled employment.
Australian Computer Society Skill Assessment Result Letters
All Skill Assessment Result Letters issued by the Australian Computer Society report on a date (mm/yy) of when an applicant becomes ‘skilled’.
This date is the time the applicant meets the requirements as detailed in the Summary of Criteria
Some examples demonstrating how this is applied in practice include:
· The date specified for skilled employment for a Bachelor degree or above that is not closely related to the nominated occupation is upon completion of 4 years’ experience.
· For a Bachelor degree or above that is closely related to the nominated occupation, it is upon completion of 2 years’ experience . For the 2 year requirement this must be in the past 10 years or if 4 years are required this can be in any time period, whichever is earlier.
· For qualifications below a Bachelor degree or for a Bachelor degree or above with a minor in computing, the skilled employment date will be upon completion of 5 years in the past 10 years, or 6 years in any time period.
If the date specified for skilled employment is earlier than the completion of the qualification; the date will be noted as the completion date of the qualification.
If the applicant has multiple qualifications, the date will be based on whichever results in the earliest date.
Please note, only employment completed after the date the applicant has met the ACS requirements will be counted as skilled employment.
For further information please email
[email protected]
发表于 2013-6-21 21:17:33
而且你作为sa的工作经验是前3年 要是扣的话不是就相当与直接扣没了?
这么说不管工作的职位现在是啥 比如开始的时候1年sa之后哪怕10年se了也可以把10年都算成sa?
发表于 2013-6-22 03:36:26
这么说我应该扣两年才是, 不应该是四年才对啊
发表于 2013-6-22 12:19:23
· The date specified for skilled employment for a Bachelor degree or above that is not closely related to the nominated occupation is upon completion of 4 years’ experience.
-------- 难道是认为你的bachelor degree "is not closely related to" 申请职位? 计算机专业就是计算机专业啊。那如果评网络工程师难道还需要个网络工程的专业才行?
发表于 2013-6-22 16:36:48
你这个事挺严重的,COMPUTING MAJOR的DEGREE可能和261112不是高度相关,所以扣了你4年,你可以review成261313,这样只扣2年。并且2611组的配额每年很少,没有优势。为啥要评261112呢。
发表于 2013-6-23 00:37:03
All your experience has been assessed as closely related to the nominated occupation however it is only deemed ‘skilled’ once you have met the ACS requirements.
回复了我这段话, 这个都成文字游戏了 郁闷