俺的EA职业评估结果信全文如下:<br />
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Dear ××,<br />
<br />
Thank you for the application for an assessment of your engineering qualifications, and for the Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) you have provided.<br />
<br />
I am pleased to advise that the competencies you have demonstrated taken in conjunction with your qualifications from ** university and ** university completed in June 2000 have been assessed as meeting the current academic requirement for standing as a Professional Engineer (Skill Level 1) in Australia. The appropriate occupational classification in your case for migration purpose is Telecommunication Engineer ANZSCO 263311.<br />
<br />
Your qualification from ** university has been assessed as broadly comparable to an Australian Masters degree for the purpose of awarding points for qualification under the General Skilled Migration points test.<br />
<br />
Your sincerely<br />
<br />
**<br />
<br />
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上面对我的9年职业完全没有评价。这是不是因为我只申请了“Standard CDR assessment”的缘故?<br />
听说要认证职业年,需要勾“Relevant Skilled Employment”那个额外的服务?<br />
如果没有这个9年的职业认证,是否在EOI/签证申请的时候拿不到相应的分数?<br />
另外博士学位要拿分数的话,是否一定需要勾那个“Overseas PhD”评估?<br />
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多谢先!<br />
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俺这个结果 算是通过EA的职业评估了吗?可以做EOI了么?谢!
2.如果你想要EA对你的9年工作经历给出point test advise,你必须要选那个额外服务
3.overseas PHD和工作经历point test advise到了DIAC那里都不是必须的,但是如果有的话,比较好,DIAC还是很认可职业评估机构出具的相关报告的。
Your Claim of skilled work experience have been assessed by Engineers Australia in spport of the assessment outcome provided as
Total Overseas Work experience Total Australia work experience
xx to xx Nil
就算是通过了 没有那个工作年限也不要紧啦 之前很多前辈都是这么过来下签的 很多人都没有评估那个 省钱
看来俺的是评审通过了。俺在努力整理9年来的工资单,看能否提供强力工作资历证明。by the way,俺9年都在一家干。