请教:vet现在还需要邮寄文件过去评估吗?首页的important notice到底什么意思?
好久没上官网,今天去看一下,就看到首页有一个important notice,似乎是说将彩扫的原件上传就好了,不用扫certified copies. 第一反应是vet终于不那么事儿了,终于像acs看齐了,不用邮寄纸样了。可是,还是觉得不踏实,又细看一下,好像还是要求邮寄certified copies?因为——<br />
FAQ里居然加了一个applicants outside australia找谁ceritify的新说明(我真的不记得以前有这么详细地指出来过):<br />
41. Who can certify my documents outside of Australia?<br />
<br />
If you are currently overseas, persons who may certify your documents include:<br />
<br />
An Australian Registered Migration Agent (but not the applicant)<br />
A police officer of another country<br />
A judge, magistrate, registrar or deputy registrar of an overseas court<br />
Notary public<br />
An Australian consular officer or Australian diplomatic officer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955).<br />
谁能指点一下,第三条里的registrar or deputy registrar是何方神圣?那国内的律师还能做certify吗?在下刚联系好律师,就看到这个,真是郁闷啊!!!<br />