说说我神奇的acs评估经历 -- 不满4年经验评估通过
背景介绍:读研究生时暑期全职实习(Java编程)了4个月,毕业后进公司做开发(C#编程)21个月。一共2年零1个月的工作经历。<br />
本科研究生都是计算机专业。<br />
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大致的评估进程如下:<br />
27-Sep-10 Lodge ACS online<br />
1-Oct-10 ACS IP:Inge Kusumawati<br />
1-Nov-10 ACS WA<br />
3-Nov-10 ACS RPN<br />
5-Nov-10 ACS CF<br />
8-Nov-10 RL arrived, but incorrect home address]
补充一下 ACS是如何计算学历和工作提名职业是高度相关的?
What is a highly relevant field of study?
http://www.acs.org.au/index.cfm? ... equentask#education
What is a highly relevant field of study?
How closely a qualification is aligned to the nominated ANZSCO code is assessed on the basis of the percentage of the minimum number of units needed to comprise an ICT major for that qualification. The minimum acceptable quantum is 65% of that minimum number of units.
For example :
Applicant A has a 24-unit bachelor degree. In order to qualify for an ICT major, one third of those units must be of an ICT nature, i.e. 8 units. In order for the qualification to be considered closely aligned to the nominated ANZSCO code, at least 65% of those 8 units must be within the scope of the nominated occupation, i.e. 5 units.
Applicant B has an 8-unit post-graduate master degree following an ICT under-graduate degree. In order to qualify for an ICT major, one third of those units must be of an ICT nature, i.e. 3 units. In order for the qualification to be considered closely aligned to the nominated ANZSCO code, at least 65% of those 3 units must be within the scope of the nominated occupation, i.e. 2 units.
If the applicant’s qualification fits this criterion, the applicant will be eligible for a Group A assessment with 2 years relevant work experience rather than the 4 years otherwise required, provided that those 2 years were within the most recent 7-year period. If the relevance criterion is not satisfied, the 4 years relevant experience requirement will remain with no time limit imposed.
Applicant C has a 30-unit diploma. In order to qualify for an ICT major, one half of those units must be of an ICT nature, i.e. 15 units. In order for the qualification to be considered closely aligned to the nominated ANZSCO code, at least 65% of those 15 units must be within the scope of the nominated occupation, i.e. 9 units.
If the applicant’s qualification fits this criterion, the applicant will be eligible for a Group B assessment with 5 years relevant work experience rather than the 6 years otherwise required, provided that those 5 years were within the most recent 10-year period. If the relevance criterion is not satisfied, the 6 years relevant experience requirement will remain with no time limit imposed.
1. 所有课程的总学分有33.333333%(即1/3以上)课程是属于ICT范畴的,包括离散和其他ICT专业课之类的课程,可以评为Group A。
2. 评为Group A的情况下,需要65%的ICT课程和提名职业高度相关,所以应该是:所有课程的总学分 x 33.333333% x 65% 大约= 所有课程总学分x22% 的课程属于和提名职业高度相关的课程即可利用2年以上的工作经验评估成功。
连公式都有 好详细啊 学习了
第一次评DP不通过,接下来马上改评Software Engineer,于2月8号收到RL,结果通过了。
当时改评Software Engineer后,接着又提交对DP的评估结果的appeal申请,今天拿到RL,说DP也通过了。。。。