梭罗河边的Gadis 发表于 2013-7-6 01:43:12


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<strong>VET</strong><strong>职业评估全攻略(QQ群341799804)</strong><strong> </strong><br />
<br />
<strong>chingwu准签作业</strong><br />
https://localau.com/thread-1107745-1-1.html<br />
<br />
<strong>目录</strong>一、职业评估前(一)了解职业(二)申请评估(三)申请准备材料(四)材料邮寄二、职业评估中(一)申请进度与状态查询(二)学历认证(三)职业认证(四)调整职业(五)背景调查三、职业评估后(一)Result Letter (二)Result Letter的解读(三)Appeal、Review或PointTest Advice<strong> </strong><strong>一、职业评估前</strong><strong>(一)了解职业</strong><br />
<strong>1.</strong><strong>定位职业</strong><br />
澳洲技术移民有很多职业,不同职业分门别类的展示非常清晰,具体可参考<br />
http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/Latestproducts/1220.0Contents02013,%20Version%201.2?opendocument&tabname=Summary&prodno=1220.0&issue=2013,%20Version%201.2&num=&view=<br />
澳洲职业大体分为八大类<br />
1.经理;<br />
2.专业人员;<br />
3.技术工人;<br />
4.社区工人;<br />
5.行政人员;<br />
6.销售人员;<br />
7.机械操作员;<br />
8.劳工<br />
子类又根据专业进行了细分,所以结合自己的职业内容(而不是专业)与对应职业的描述,一般很容易完成职业定位。<br />
<br />
<strong>2.VET</strong><strong>职业分组及其评估要求</strong><br />
完成了职业定位后,再就是确定自己的职业是否属于VET评估,以及所属的职业分组(如果不属于VET评估范畴就不用接着往下看啦)。<br />
VET官网<br />
http://www.vetassess.com.au/migrate_to_australia/migrate_to_australia.cfm<br />
VET评估的职业一共分为六组:A、B、C、D、E、F,不同分组的职业对于专业、学历和工作经验的要求各有不同<br />
比如<br />
是否需要职业与专业高度相关<br />
是否需要本科学历<br />
学历前工作经验是否计算工作年限<br />
以及对应的不同工作年限要求等<br />
职业分组列表<br />
职业分组要求说明<br />
我的职业属于B组,因此需要本科学历,专业和职业高度相关需要1年工作年限;不高度相关需要3年工作年限<br />
<br />
<strong>(二)申请评估</strong><br />
VET职业评估有两种方式1.线下申请;2.在线申请。<br />
因为在线申请有诸多优势1.在线申请有40刀的折扣;2.在线申请可以查询申请进度,因此建议有条件的同学尽量在线申请。<br />
<br />
另外,VET职业评估分为两步1.QV(学历认证);2.SRGO(职业评估)。<br />
注意!需要在VET申请职业评估,且学历是中国颁发的必须在VET提交QV申请。<br />
<br />
<strong>1.</strong><strong>线下申请</strong><br />
填写SRG1表(SRG1表内包含了QV和SRGO的内容),并连同申请材料邮寄至VET<br />
表格下载地址<br />
http://www.vetassess.com.au/migrate_to_australia/qa2_download_forms.cfm<br />
<br />
<strong>2.</strong><strong>在线申请</strong><br />
在线申请的同学需要完成两步,因为VET的这两个系统是分开的。分别完成申请后打印系统生成的Report,这两份Report就等同于线下申请的SRG1表,因此无需再填写SRG1表。<br />
注:(2013年12月7日更新)现在VET的SRGO系统已经升级为可以在线提交材料啦,可以连同QV的材料一并Upload,<br />
采用Upload方式以后,由于上传的是原件的彩色扫描件(视同原件),因此所有材料都无需公证或certified了(护照照片可能除外,因为它是certified照片是你本人)。<br />
<br />
<strong>(1)QV(学历认证申请)</strong><br />
https://www1.qualverify.com/chineseapplicant/index.cfm<br />
A.学士学历必须认证;<br />
B.如果学士学历与职业不相关,而硕士和博士学历与职业相关,可以辅以认证加强证明;<br />
如果学士学历与职业相关,原则上硕士是无需认证的;而博士可以认证,因为博士可以多claim5分的Point Test(注:用于claim分数的博士认证不一定非要经过VET);<br />
C.学历认证需要包括学位证书、学历证书和成绩单;<br />
D.学历认证原则上不需要copy件,在填写QV申请表第一部分(YOUR VERIFICATION PURPOSE)时,填VET职业评估及相应地址;第四部分(ADDRESS FOR POSTING REPORTS)选择本人邮寄地址。清华评估报告原件先是邮寄至VET,然后在完成评估后连同SRGO报告原件一并邮寄回我们;<br />
E.学历认证的快递费用,原则上是可以尽量选便宜的,因为QV和SRGO是一份快递,而SRGO已经包含了快递费用;(我的理解,QV申请表中的快递费用是从VET到本人的快递费用,而不是清华到VET的快递费用)<br />
<br />
<strong>(2)SRGO(职业评估申请)</strong><br />
https://www1.skillassess.com/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f<br />
A.Point Test Advice<br />
PTA是VET向DIAC提供的关于你工作年限,工作经验,工作内容的一个参考;如果你确信自己的工作内容很明确,工作经历不复杂,签证官能够比较容易的理解你的职业,那么可以不必申请PTA;反之,如果你的工作经历比较复杂,非专业人士不能理解,那么申请PTA对签证官认可你的工作年限是有帮助的。(前提是VET也认可你的工作年限)<br />
另外,如果申请PTA,VET会对最近10年的工作经验是否与职业相关出具意见。<br />
<br />
B.涉及获取学历的额外条件,即论文和实习部分可以不填;另外,学习时间为20小时/周<br />
<br />
C.涉及Responsibility的部分可以照搬工作推荐信(Employment Reference);<br />
<br />
<strong>(三)申请准备材料</strong><br />
<strong>1.</strong><strong>材料清单</strong><br />
说明:VET只依据最近5年的工作经验来出具职业评估报告,因此原则上,无需提供5年以外的工作证明材料;同时,与职业评估不相关的工作经验,即使是在5年以内的,也无需提供工作证明材料<br />
<br />
<strong>(1)VET要求的申请材料</strong><br />
http://www.vetassess.com.au/migrate_to_australia/qa2_required_documents.cfm<br />
<br />
<strong>(2)本人前后准备的材料有(Documentslist)</strong><br />
1. TwoRecent Photos<br />
2. TwoPages of Self-adhesive Label<br />
3. Resume<br />
4.Passport<br />
5.Qualifications Verification Report & Payment<br />
6.Bachelor Degree & Certificate of Graduation for Bachelor Degree<br />
7.Transcripts for Bachelor Degree<br />
8. Powerof attorney<br />
9. MasterDegree<br />
10.Certificate of Graduation for Master Degree<br />
11.Transcripts for Master Degree<br />
12. SASCertificate<br />
13. SkillsRecognition General Occupations Report & Payment<br />
14.Reference of 1st Job<br />
15.Employment of 1st Job (Original & Translated Version)<br />
16.Taxation of 1st Job (Original & Translated Version)<br />
17.Payslip of 1st Job (Original & Translated Version)<br />
18.Explanatory notes of 1st Job<br />
19.Reference of 2nd Job<br />
20.Employment of 2nd Job<br />
21.Taxation of 2nd Job (Original & Translated Version)<br />
22.Payslip of 2nd Job (Original & Translated Version)<br />
23.Certificate of Translator<br />
24.Certificate of Translation Firm (Original & Translated Version)<br />
25.Certificate of Certifier (Original & Translated Version)<br />
<br />
(3)个人简历<br />
VET的网站有非常明确的简历要求,鉴于可能有些同学仍然没有把握,我就有偿分享一下本人的简历模板<br />
http://www.vetassess.com.au/migr ... sumeCurriculumVitae<br />


CV Model.docx

(20.93 KB, 下载次数: 156, 售价: 1 刀OZ币)

13-11-2013 13:50 上传
<br />简历模板
<br />售价: 1 刀OZ币        &nbsp;[记录]


<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<strong>2.certified</strong><br />
A.VET提交的材料需要公证吗,公证和Certified的区别?<br />
答:VET提交的材料不需要公证,仅仅Certified就可以;<br />
公证往往是证明你的材料的真实性,<br />
而Certified是证明你的复印件和原件一致,<br />
原则上,如果你邮寄的全部都是原件,是不需要任何Certified的,<br />
所以当你只邮寄复印件的时候,需要将副本Certified,证明是和原件一致的,<br />
至于原件本身的真实性,VET默认你是诚信的(除了学历),或者通过贝雕的方式去调查(或许提供公证件有助避免贝雕,但本人案例没有公证也没贝雕)<br />
所以这就是为什么学历相关的复印件是无需Certified的,因为VET还要去清华认证的。<br />
<br />
B.哪些人具有certified的资格?<br />
答:VET有说明如下人员具有certified的资格<br />
•a justice of thepeace or a bail justice<br />
•an Australian lawyer<br />
•a member of thepolice force<br />
•the sheriff or adeputy sheriff<br />
•a councillor of amunicipality<br />
•a senior officer of acouncil<br />
•a medicalpractitioner<br />
•a dentist<br />
•a veterinarypractitioner<br />
•a pharmacist<br />
•a principal in theteaching service<br />
•the manager of anauthorised deposit-taking institution<br />
•a member of theInstitute of Chartered Accountants in Australia or the Australian Society ofAccountants or the National Institute of Accountants<br />
•the secretary of abuilding society<br />
•a minister ofreligion authorised to celebrate marriages<br />
•a fellow of theInstitute of Legal Executives (Victoria)<br />
•a public notary<br />
•a member or formermember of either House of the Parliament of Victoria<br />
•a member or formermember of either House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth<br />
事实证明,在国内的同等职业的人员都有相应的certified资格<br />
<br />
C.cetified的方式<br />
在每一份复印件(副本)的正面提供以下信息:<br />
certified true copy of the original<br />
(signature)<br />
Name:XX<br />
Occupation:XX<br />
Authorised Registration No:XX<br />
Mobile Phone:XX<br />
Date:XX<br />
<br />
D.照片也需要certified吗,如何certified?<br />
答:如果你的照片和你的护照不是同一张,那么你的照片也需要certified<br />
certified的方法是在照片背面登记以下信息<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;the wording 'This is a true likeness of '<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;the details of certifier<br />
&nbsp; &nbsp;the signature of certifier<br />
<br />
<strong>3.translated</strong><br />
如果材料不是英文 应该怎么处理?<br />
答:以本人案例为例<br />
本人所有的非英文的材料都是由一家正规的翻译公司提供的翻译件<br />
这些材料包括:税单、工资单、离职证明、certifier的律师执照<br />
向VET提交了(中文的原稿和英文的翻译稿)的复印件<br />
以及[(翻译公司营业执照和翻译人资质)的(原稿和翻译稿)]的复印件<br />
翻译稿上有翻译公司的公章和翻译人的签名以及联系方式<br />
至于原稿和翻译稿的对应翻译公司会用骑缝公章表示<br />
<br />
另注:在某些案例中,也有移友自行翻译税单,工资单等工作证明文件而被认可的情况;<br />
至于具体怎么选择,大家可以自己斟酌<br />
<br />
<strong>4.</strong><strong>其他材料</strong><br />
A.VET要求提供QV申请的委托书?<br />
答:在线申请的QV Report中就有涉及委托的条款,你需要在Report上面签字,故无需额外提供QV委托书<br />
<br />
B.为了免税,VET要求提供不在澳洲的证明?<br />
答:只要是从澳洲以外地区邮寄至澳洲的申请材料,默认不在澳洲,故无需提供证明<br />
<br />
<strong>(四)材料邮寄</strong><br />
如果选择DHL等快递请邮寄至courier地址<br />
QV & SRGO<br />
Level 5, 478 Albert Street<br />
East Melbourne VIC 3002<br />
DHL邮寄进度<br />
<br />
<strong>二、职业评估中</strong><strong>(一)申请进度与状态查询</strong><br />
<strong>1.QV</strong><br />
https://www2.qualverify.com/chineseapplicant/index.cfm<br />
QV的状态进度一般有Active和Completed两个状态<br />
(注意completed的状态有时只出现在学历认证的子项中,需要点击+扩展开)<br />
详细的进度需要致电中国学位认证中心,参见以下(二)学历认证<br />
<br />
<strong>2.SRGO</strong><br />
https://www1.skillassess.com/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f<br />
SRGO的状态进度一般有Lodged、In progress、Completed三个状态<br />
Lodged:表示在线申请已经完成<br />
In Progress:表示已经开始处理Case<br />
Completed:表示职业评估已经有结果(但是否positive需要查询result letter)<br />
其中,大概在lodged和in progress状态之间,在VET收到申请材料一段时间后,VET会修改documentation list的状态,比如是required,是received,还是insufficient。<br />
<br />
当材料有误的时候会显示insufficient,具体可参考本人案例<br />
Outstanding Documentation详细情况<br />
<br />
当所有的材料都收到并确认无误后,documentationlist会变成这段文字“Application formand supporting documents received. Your application is currently beingprocessed. If VETASSESS requires any further documentation in order to proceedwith this application, you will be notified via email. If you need furtherassistance, please contact us at [email protected]”<br />
<br />
<strong>(二)学历认证</strong><br />
VET的学历认证其实是委托中国学位认证中心(俗称清华认证)办理的<br />
http://cqv.chinadegrees.cn/cn/<br />
<strong>下划线的内容可能已经不适用,由于10月开始中国学位认证中心的系统升级</strong><strong><br />
<strong>有移友表示现在只能通过申请号和身份证号查询QV进度</strong><br />
<strong>1.</strong><strong>申请号在VET那里</strong><br />
<strong>2.VET</strong><strong>不是以你的身份证号来提交申请的</strong></strong><br />
当完成VET的QV申请并邮寄材料大概2周后(纯估计)可以致电中国学位认证中心查询(重复呼叫20+次才有可能接通,接通后通话5分钟)<br />
由于是委托VET申请的学历认证 因此你不知道申请号,需要告知客服人员其他的信息来查询,比如学校以及姓名<br />
如果客服人员不那么龟毛或者你的信息已经提交 他们一般会告知你申请号和密码<br />
VET与中国学位认证中心是协议关系 所以认证资料VET都是通过扫描 而并非邮寄提交至清华的<br />
所以如果客服中心告诉你,或者你查询到认证资料仍是“未到”状态 不必紧张<br />
最后的认证结果,清华会以EMS的方式快递至VET,然后等待SRGO的审判<br />
<br />
<br />
在整个SRGO的评估环节中,学历认证是最耗时的,延迟主要可能出现在以下环节:<br />
1.VET向清华申请的时间<br />
2.清华受理的时间<br />
3.学校反馈的时间<br />
4.清华报告邮寄的时间<br />
其中学校反馈,不同的学校可能反馈的部门不同,<br />
有的是联系档案馆,有的是联系教务部,有的是联系研究生院等等<br />
<br />
<br />
<strong>暑假期间中国学位中心认证耗时 - 以供参考</strong><br />
2013-07-02 网上提交QV@VET申请<br />
2013-07-08 VET签收材料<br />
2013-07-17 VET提交中国学位中心认证<br />
2013-07-23 VET缴纳中国学位中心认证费用<br />
2013-09-09 中国学位中心邮寄学位认证报告<br />
<br />
<strong>中国学位中心回邮QV报告耗时(EMS) - 以供参考</strong><br />
处理时间&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;处理地点&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;邮件状态<br />
2013-09-09&nbsp; &nbsp;17:18:00&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;北京邮政速递牡丹园分公司学院路营运部&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;收寄<br />
2013-09-09&nbsp; &nbsp;17:18:00&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;北京邮政速递牡丹园分公司学院路营运部&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;揽收<br />
2013-09-09&nbsp; &nbsp;20:26:22&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;北京邮政速递牡丹园分公司学院路营运部&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;离开处理中心,发往北京市<br />
2013-09-09&nbsp; &nbsp;21:19:31&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;北京市&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;到达处理中心,来自北京邮政速递牡丹园分公司学院路营运部<br />
2013-09-10&nbsp; &nbsp;00:33:59&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;北京市&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;离开处理中心,发往墨尔本<br />
2013-09-13&nbsp; &nbsp;11:29:00&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;澳大利亚 墨尔本&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;到达处理中心,来自中国北京<br />
2013-09-15&nbsp; &nbsp;19:47:00&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;澳大利亚 AUMXBT&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;到达投递局<br />
2013-09-16&nbsp; &nbsp;05:43:00&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;澳大利亚 AUMXBT&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;到达投递局<br />
2013-09-16&nbsp; &nbsp;14:02:00&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;澳大利亚 3002&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;投递并签收<br />
<br />
<strong>(三)职业认证</strong><br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>QV</strong><strong>状态</strong><br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>SRGO</strong><strong>状态</strong><br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>状态说明</strong><br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Active<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lodged<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QV还未完成,SRGO也还未开始<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Active<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In progress<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QV还未完成,SRGO已经开始,等待QV完成<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Completed<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Lodged<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QV已经完成,SRGO还未开始<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Completed<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;In progress<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;QV已经完成,SRGO已经开始,预计1周左右出结果<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Completed<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Completed<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;邮寄Result Letter中<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp; <br />
<strong>(四)调整职业</strong><br />
如果由于主观原因需要在职业评估complete之前变更评估的职业<br />
可以填写SRG06表 并签字 扫描 以email附件的形式反馈至VET<br />
http://www.vetassess.com.au/migr ... _download_forms.cfm<br />
如果由于变更职业 需要补充材料的 应当仍以书信的方式邮寄至VET<br />
<br />
<strong>(五)背景调查</strong><br />
本人案例中所涉及的两份工作证明均未收到贝雕电话<br />
这个只能说看人品,详细的工作证明材料甚至是公证材料或许对降低贝雕的概率有帮助<br />
<br />
<strong>三、职业评估后</strong><strong>(一)Result Letter </strong><br />
如果SRGO状态已经completed啦,意味着Result Letter已经在邮寄的路上啦。如果你急着想知道结果可以email给VET并提供faxnumber,他们会fax给你(他们只fax不email)<br />
否则大概1周左右的时间便可以收到邮寄回来的Result Letter和相关的学历认证报告<br />
邮寄回来的材料主要有<br />
1.Cover Letter(相当于卷首语啦)<br />
2.SRGO Letter(Positive or Negative)<br />
3.VET的QV报告<br />
4.清华的QV报告<br />
<br />
职业评估报告见链接<br />
<br />
<strong>(二)Result Letter的解读</strong><br />
1.如果没有申请PTA,VET的结果仅仅只是告知你的工作经验是否符合提名的职业,不会评估与提名职业相应的工作年限。所以如果你提供了超过5年以上的工作证明材料,而VET在ResultLetter中仅引用了你最近5年之内的工作经验,这并不代表你5年之外的工作经验不符合职业要求,也不代表你5年之内的工作经验全部都符合职业要求。<br />
(是否需要申请PTA,在本文的开头就有说明)<br />
<br />
<strong>Take mycase for example</strong><strong>(Start)</strong><br />
<strong>Employment assessed:</strong><br />
1. First Job (07/2008 to 11/2010)<br />
2. Second Job (12/2010 to 07/2013)<br />
<strong>Duration of employment:</strong><br />
Based on the evidence provided, more than three year/s of employment isassessed as highly relevant to the nominated occupation and completed atappropriate skill level in the five years before the date of applying for thisSkills Assessment.<br />
The employment described above meets the minimum requirements for thisoccupation.<br />
<br />
A.在Employment assessed环节,VET仅“引用”了最近5年的工作经验(不是因为这5年工作经验他们认可,而是因为这5年是提交申请之前的5年),但本人从2007年7月就开始从事第一份工作,并且工作内容从未变过<br />
B.在Duration ofemployment环节,Result Letter提到morethan three year/s,in the five years before,是因为本人的职业是B组,并且专业与职业不是高度相关,所以需要3年的工作经验。因此,这份Result Letter仅仅只是说明本人是否满足评估该提名职业的最低要求,但并未对本人与提名职业高度相关的工作年限出具其他建议。<br />
<strong>Take mycase for example</strong><strong>(End)</strong><br />
<br />
2.VET的职业评估报告只评估最近5年,多余的职业经历如果没有申请VET的POINTS TEST ADVICE,<br />
那么报告仅说明申请人是否符合提名职业(并未对申请人的相关工作年限做出明确说明)<br />
<br />
申请了Point Test Advice的申请人,其PTA报告才是说明VET认可的申请人与提名职业相关的工作年限<br />
<br />
DIBP在判断申请人的提名职业相关工作年限时会参考VET的PTA报告,<br />
但根本的原则还是DIBP网站所提到的skilled employment,<br />
即ABS统计局网站所展示的 某提名职业是否需要本科或专科,即获得本科或专科学历后的相关工作经验才是skilled employment<br />
(相对于ACS的职业,VET的职业只要满足对应的学历[本科或专业]要求后即是skilled employment,不会由于申请人的专业不相关而扣减获得学历后的工作年限)<br />
<br />
<strong>(三)Appeal、Review或PointTest Advice</strong><br />
如果评估的结果是Negative,可以申请appeal或者review,或者需要补充申请PTA,详见官网<br />
http://www.vetassess.com.au/migrate_to_australia/qa2_reassessment_appeal.cfm<br />

双月儿1985 发表于 2013-7-6 08:24:18

步骤一:致电客服电话:010-82379480 ,打不通就不断重拨,直到打通为止,然后不要提VET认证,直接报姓名和学校,询问申请单号。
步骤三:如果mm告诉你材料预计某个时间可以寄出,就在这个时间附近再次致电客服电话:010-82379480 ,直接报单号,询问材料是否寄出,如果寄出,询问寄出的Ems单号。如果告诉你材料寄出了,就直接问快递单号。


SpordSoriprub 发表于 2013-7-6 09:12:52


liwa1608 发表于 2013-7-6 12:13:48



nqdc5635 发表于 2013-7-6 21:27:40


futgu918 发表于 2013-7-7 08:19:17


nwe69yve 发表于 2013-7-7 10:45:32


梭罗河边的Gadis 发表于 2013-7-7 17:10:32


Monday, July 08, 2013 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Location &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Time &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
15 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Delivered - Signed for by : THERESA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; MELBOURNE &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 09:21 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

14 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; With delivery courier &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 09:20 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

13 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Arrived at Delivery Facility in MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 05:29 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

12 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Departed Facility in MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 03:43 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Processed at MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 03:43 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

10 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Clearance processing complete at MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 00:03 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

Sunday, July 07, 2013 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Location &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Time &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
9 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Arrived at Sort Facility MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 23:02 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

8 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Customs status updated &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; MELBOURNE - AUSTRALIA &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 16:05 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

7 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Departed Facility in HONG KONG - HONG KONG &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; HONG KONG - HONG KONG &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 07:43 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

6 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Processed at HONG KONG - HONG KONG &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; HONG KONG - HONG KONG &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 05:11 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

5 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Arrived at Sort Facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; HONG KONG - HONG KONG &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 02:26 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

Saturday, July 06, 2013 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Location &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Time &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
4 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Departed Facility in SOUTHWEST AREA - CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; SOUTHWEST AREA - CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 20:21 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

3 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Processed at SOUTHWEST AREA - CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; SOUTHWEST AREA - CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 18:58 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

2 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Arrived at Sort Facility SOUTHWEST AREA - CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; SOUTHWEST AREA - CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 18:39 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;

1 &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Shipment picked up &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; SOUTHWEST AREA - CHINA, PEOPLES REPUBLIC &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 14:38

梭罗河边的Gadis 发表于 2013-7-7 22:49:13



梭罗河边的Gadis 发表于 2013-7-7 23:41:43


Group A
Group A Occupations require a qualification which is at least at the level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor degree, in a field highly relevant to the nominated occupation. In addition to this, the applicant must have at least one year of post-qualification employment in a field which is highly relevant and at an appropriate skill level to your nominated occupation completed in the five years before the date of application for a Skills Assessment.
Employment needs to be undertaken after completion of the highly relevant qualification. Pre-qualification employment cannot be considered for Group A.

Group B
Group B Occupations require a qualification which is assessed as at least at the level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor degree, in a highly relevant field to the nominated occupation. In addition to this, the applicant must have at least one year of post-qualification employment in a field which is highly relevant and at an appropriate skill level to your nominated occupation completed in the five years before the date of application for a Skills Assessment. Pre-qualification employment may be considered.
If your qualification is not in a highly relevant field, additional years of employment will be required. Please see Group B below for details.
See Pre- and post-qualification employment

Group C
Group C Occupations require a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of at least an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Diploma, in a highly relevant field to the nominated occupation. In addition to this, the applicant must have at least one year of post-qualification employment in a field which is highly relevant and at an appropriate skill level to your nominated occupation completed in the five years before the date of application for a Skills Assessment.
Pre-qualification employment may be considered.
See Pre- and post-qualification employment
If your qualification is not in a highly relevant field to the nominated occupation, two years of highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level will be required.
Please see Group C below for details.

Group D
Group D Occupations require a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate III or IV, in a highly relevant field to the nominated occupation, and post-qualification employment as follows:
Applicants with a qualification assessed at AQF Certificate IV level in a highly relevant field must also have at least one year of post-qualification highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level to their nominated occupation completed in the five years before the date of application for a Skills Assessment. Two years of such employment is required if the qualification/s has a shortfall in content relevance.
Applicants with a qualification assessed at AQF Certificate III level in a highly relevant field must also have three years of post-qualification highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level to their nominated occupation. No additional years of employment will compensate for a lack of a highly relevant major.

Group E
Group E Occupations require a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of at least an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Diploma, in a highly relevant field to the nominated occupation. In addition to this, the applicant must have at least one year of employment in a field which is highly relevant and at an appropriate skill level to your nominated occupation completed in the five years before the date of application for a Skills Assessment.
Employment needs to be undertaken after completion of the highly relevant qualification at the required educational level. Pre-qualification employment cannot be considered for Group E occupations.

Group F
Group F Occupations require a qualification assessed as comparable to the educational level of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate II or III, in a highly relevant field to the nominated occupation, and post-qualification employment as follows:
Applicants with a qualification assessed at AQF Certificate III level in a highly relevant field must also have at least one year of post-qualification highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level to their nominated occupation completed in the five years before the date of application for a Skills Assessment. Two years of such employment is required if the qualification/s has a shortfall in content relevance.
Applicants with a qualification assessed at AQF Certificate II level in a highly relevant field must also have three years of post-qualification highly relevant employment at an appropriate skill level to their nominated occupation. No additional years of employment will compensate for a lack of a highly relevant major.

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