kjxudg9yo3 发表于 2013-5-5 12:43:06


这表格挺凶残的,求做过VET的朋友指点一二,小女子拜谢!<br />
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<strong>VET学历认证申请表:</strong><br />
1)职业评估和学历认证都在VET做,还需要寄学历认证report副本给VET吗?如果不需要寄副本给VET,请忽略2)和3)<br />
2)如果要寄,申请表1.4是这个邮寄地址吗:VETASSESS Skills Recognition – General Occupations GPO Box 2752 Melbourne VIC 3001 Australia<br />
3)1.4如果填2)里面的地址,就填不下了,怎么办?<br />
4)1.3Your DIAC or assessing body file number 如果空着不填,学历认证寄过去后会不会对不上号?<br />
5)链接里有两份中文文档:http://www.vetassess.com.au/migrate_to_australia/qv_required_documents.cfm 应该按照哪份文档来准备材料?<br />
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<strong>VET职业评估申请表:</strong><br />
1)1.3 reason for assessment 选 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme 还是 General Skilled Migration – Points based visas (我是190)<br />
2)4.6 Name of highest end of schooling certificate obtained 难道要写毕业证书?中学时代没有别的certificate了<br />
3)5.1 student registration number 是啥?学号?<br />
4)5.3 Name of the qualification in original language 填“学士学位”OK吗?<br />
5)5.7 Campus you attended 填校区吗?只有一个校区并且没有名字咋办?<br />
6)5.9 What was the normal entry requirement for the course? 是不是填 national collegue entrance examination?<br />
7)5.10 If different, what was the basis of your entry into this course? 可以不填吗?<br />
8)职业评估进展到哪个环节我才会获得 file number?<br />
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两份表格末尾都有关于学历认证的收费填写,一模一样,如果我在VET学历认证表格里已经填写了,VET职业评估表格是否可以空着不填?<br />
<br />

94u0c0j0t 发表于 2013-5-5 15:44:52

需要寄学历认证report副本给VET吗?&nbsp; &nbsp;不需要

190选Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme

Name of highest end of schooling certificate obtained&nbsp; &nbsp;你的最高学历是什么就写什么

student registration number 是啥?学号?&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;正确

Name of the qualification in original language 填“学士学位”OK吗?&nbsp; &nbsp; OK

Campus you attended 填校区吗?只有一个校区并且没有名字咋办?&nbsp; &nbsp;那就不填呗

What was the normal entry requirement for the course? 是不是填 national collegue entrance examination?&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;正确

If different, what was the basis of your entry into this course? 可以不填吗?&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;搞清楚 If different 的意思后,你就知道怎么做了

职业评估进展到哪个环节我才会获得 file number?&nbsp; &nbsp;在线提交的话,提交后马上收到。

kjxudg9yo3 发表于 2013-5-5 23:04:44



VopmeegoLed 发表于 2013-5-5 23:54:36


kjxudg9yo3 发表于 2013-5-6 02:51:40


小瞌睡乖乖 发表于 2013-5-6 08:25:10

190应该选general skilled migration吧

dpande7p4lm 发表于 2013-5-6 10:36:44


mbc32gxi 发表于 2013-5-6 18:02:42

&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

qianqina9292 发表于 2013-5-6 23:32:04


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