gracepor 发表于 2017-9-22 16:51:36

中秋佳節與家人朋友同聚, 鴻星名廚有你就是團圓

本帖最后由 gracepor 于 2017-9-22 16:52 编辑

中秋佳節, 與家人朋友同聚, 這個星期已經全院滿座,所以請大家提早預訂04/10中秋聚餐, 特別是特價套餐, 新鮮海鮮一定需要提早預訂。祝大家身體健康,人月兩團圓, 鴻星名廚有你就是團圓。03 9889 8198

Mid-Autumn Festival, gathering with friends and family, it was fully booked this week, so please booking in an advance for the coming 04/10 Mid-Autumn celebrations, particular on Seafood banquet, fresh seafood must be booked early. Wishing all of you a good health and happy together. Cheers

All People Chinese Restaurant
地址: 12/2 Burwood Highway, Burwood East VIC3151
預約: +613 9889 8198
週二至週日:中午11:30 - 下午3:00
晚餐: 週一至週日:下午5點至晚上10點
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