kcvo 发表于 2015-10-24 03:02:39

不要在怒气中管教孩子 Stop Yelling at your kids

Discipline: Stop Yelling at your kids!! 管教:不要在怒气中管教孩子

孩子很容易就能触动我们的怒气。当孩子们还年幼的时候, 他们会打破东西,说不合宜的话,做一些他们明知是错的事情。



Gregory 史雷顿大使

关于作者:尊敬的Grgeory W. Slayton曾任前美国大使,是美国常春藤联盟和北京大学的教授,同时也担任Slayton Capital的总裁。他与妻子结婚25年,育有四个非常优秀的孩子,目前他们生活在中国和北美两地。他也是《成就好爸爸》一书的作者,此书是国际上最畅销的书。点击此链接您可以购买本书的简体中文版(www.familyfirstchina.cn). 他们在美国刚出版了写给妈妈的新书《Be the Best Mom You Can Be》(www.bethebestmomyoucanbe.com)),此书的中文版将会在2015年下半年出版。 Slayton的所有书籍的收入将用于支持家庭事工机构。

Discipline: What NOT to Do!!
It is very easy for us to get mad at our kids. Young kids break things, say things that are completely in appropriate and do things that they know are wrong attimes. Older kids frequently do things to themselves and others that are wrong. But they can also be frustrating in what they do not do (like their homework or their choresor just picking up their own mess).
Net-net:it is very easy for us (especially us Dads) to lose our temper with our children. Unfortunately, that is almost always a big mistake. We must keep our own emotions under control when ever we discipline. This is important for three reasons:
1. We must set a good example for our children. Losing control of our emotions is never a good example. 2. We must remember that discipline is about helping our children learn and grow. The primary goal is not to inflict suffering but to help them realize that in real life their actions will have consequences.

3. We need to be able to ask them to apologize and then forgive them when they do. If we have great anger in our hearts we make it harder for them to see our love and to apologize for what they did wrong. And we make it harder for ourselves to accept their apologies from our heart.
It’s normal to get angry when our children break our best watch or a window(something I myself did with a hammer when I was just a few years old). If you need time to ‘get a grip’ on your emotions…give your child a time out for 5 or 10 minutes while you get your emotions under control. Then you can talk with your child in a firm but calm voice and help him/her realize the mistake they made,why they must apologize and what they need to do to set it right.
Actions have consequences. If we lose our temper with our children and start screamingor hitting them out of anger – those negative actions will have negative consequences.
Don’t do it my friend. Remember the 10 to 1 Rule. And set a good example for your kids in all you do, including discipline.
The Honorable Gregory W. Slayton is a former US Ambassador, Ivy League and Beida Professor and the Managing Director of Slayton Capital. He and his wife of 25 years have four great kids and split their time between Greater China and North America.Their book “Be aBetter Dad Today” is an international best-seller. TheSimplified Chinese version of the book is available here(www.familyfirstchina.cn). They have also just published a book for Moms: “Be the Best Mom You Can Be” from Harper Collins (www.bethebestmomyoucanbe.com) The Chinese version of this book should be available in late 2015. As with all the Slayton’sbook – they are giving all royalty profits to Christian charities that serve at-risk families.
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