Chinese and English Tutoring 中文和英文辅导
Hi Everyone,My name is Suzanne and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Education/Arts at Monash University. I have had over 2 years of tutoring experience. I am currently also working at a weekend school teaching both Chinese and English (for primary school students). I was born and raised in Melbourne, however I have a Chinese background, therefore I am fluent in both English and Mandarin.
I love teaching and the idea of being able to pass my knowledge onto the younger generation. I am a very passionate person and an outgoing person. My lessons are both informative and fun at the same time. I have developed great relationships with my previous and current students, and have spent quality time with trying to help them in their learning areas.
I have taught students Chinese (both background and non-background) to students ranging from the age of 6 to 18. They have all developed great knowledge in the language and the culture. For English, I have been teaching primary school children only and they have loved the learning experience.
Currently, I have a few tutoring spots left so please feel free to message me for more details about prices and any other information you would like to know.
本帖最后由 Claudiachan09 于 2018-10-6 23:03 编辑
Hi Suzanne,
你好! 我的兒子Alex 於去年10月到墨爾本升學,由於英文程度未達到Foundation要求,現時報讀學校基礎語言課程(English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students)。
由於香港讀書時甚少機會使用英文,所以來到澳洲生活是一個很大的挑戰! 近數次考試都未能合格,今次主要是Writing的問題﹐希望有導師可以改善他的英文文法及提升他的寫作技巧。他希望找一位補習老師幫忙!未知你能否協助他渡過這個難關?
不論接受與否,你可以給我回覆嗎? 你可以透過電郵([email protected])與我聯繫,或許我叫兒子直接與你聯絡。
P.S. 小兒在澳洲期間經同學教授基本的普通話, 一般溝通沒有問題的。