2019全球海外華僑緊急金援商会(updated at 2019/02/01)
2019全球海外華僑緊急金援商会(maybe we can help you in financial field if you can add our wechat)(updated at 2019/02/01)
2019全球海外華僑緊急金援商会(updated at 2019/02/01)
微信號/微信 id / wechat pay id : tutormacau 或自加我們的国內电話號碼 : 8613543034004 或 13543034004 (需加好友才能轉帳) 又或 直接按 ”掃一掃” 掃一下我們的支付CODE也可以直接支付捐款給我們,多少無拘, 我們的支付CODE在本廣告內附有,直接用微信掃一下即可支付捐款給本会.
P.S. 如閣下把善款用支付宝轉帳給本会, 只需輸入本会的電郵([email protected])或电話號碼(13543034004 or 13620460844 or 13620461516)三者皆可,多少無拘,($500-$49000 rmb or even more is also ok)
For PAYPAL to send us donation money from wide world :
or can use paypal to pay us your donation money directly so send to this paypal mail then we can receive : [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
(you can choose any one mail from our those 6 mail addresses to send us your donation by paypal coz those of our 6 mail addresses are also available that we can receive your global warm donation too from anywhere the world)
联絡我們的電郵/E-mail/QQ : [email protected] or [email protected] or QQ : 241427240
today we receive the total donation from the world that amount is $ 4,581,732 rmb around , thank you very much.
P.s. 本協会到目前為止收到的捐款總數目為 $ 53,119,638 人民币左右,謝謝各方大力支持捐款給本会去幫助全球168个国家的海外華人
2019/02/01 updated - (China time)
p.s.1 虽然大家各不相识, 但帮人确实可以积福/延寿/旺家财和事业, would you try this first step for us?It is coz maybe the next one person who can help other people maybe is you or it is also maybe the next one person who will be helped or need to help maybe you too
p.s.2 特別鳴謝那些在海外地方每天也給我們轉錢捐款的好心人,好人一生平安幸福, 同时也歡迎介紹或轉介你所有的朋友或身边所有的人或朋友轉錢或捐款來,感謝!
2019全球海外華僑緊急金援商会(maybe we can help you in financial field if you can add our wechat)(updated at 2019/02/01)
2019全球海外華僑緊急金援商会(updated at 2019/02/01)
微信號/微信 id / wechat pay id : tutormacau 或自加我們的国內电話號碼 : 8613543034004 或 13543034004 (需加好友才能轉帳) 又或 直接按 ”掃一掃” 掃一下我們的支付CODE也可以直接支付捐款給我們,多少無拘, 我們的支付CODE在本廣告內附有,直接用微信掃一下即可支付捐款給本会.
P.S. 如閣下把善款用支付宝轉帳給本会, 只需輸入本会的電郵([email protected])或电話號碼(13543034004 or 13620460844 or 13620461516)三者皆可,多少無拘,($500-$49000 rmb or even more is also ok)
For PAYPAL to send us donation money from wide world :
or can use paypal to pay us your donation money directly so send to this paypal mail then we can receive : [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
(you can choose any one mail from our those 6 mail addresses to send us your donation by paypal coz those of our 6 mail addresses are also available that we can receive your global warm donation too from anywhere the world)
联絡我們的電郵/E-mail/QQ : [email protected] or [email protected] or QQ : 241427240
today we receive the total donation from the world that amount is $ 4,581,732 rmb around , thank you very much.
P.s. 本協会到目前為止收到的捐款總數目為 $ 53,119,638 人民币左右,謝謝各方大力支持捐款給本会去幫助全球168个国家的海外華人
2019/02/01 updated - (China time)
p.s.1 虽然大家各不相识, 但帮人确实可以积福/延寿/旺家财和事业, would you try this first step for us?It is coz maybe the next one person who can help other people maybe is you or it is also maybe the next one person who will be helped or need to help maybe you too
p.s.2 特別鳴謝那些在海外地方每天也給我們轉錢捐款的好心人,好人一生平安幸福, 同时也歡迎介紹或轉介你所有的朋友或身边所有的人或朋友轉錢或捐款來,感謝!
or click this link to see for more details fromus and our global donation details :
掃code直接捐款請按此LINK 或COPY AND PASTE, 內有CODE图!
2019全球海外華僑緊急金援商会(maybe we can help you in financial field if you can add our wechat)(updated at 2019/02/01)
2019全球海外華僑緊急金援商会(updated at 2019/02/01)
本会宗旨就是SOS GLOBALOVERSEAS CHINESE,也就是要用全球各地各階層的海外華人的巨額或大額或中額或小額的直接捐款/募捐,去緊急幫助在全球超过155多个海外国家和地区”生活”或”求學”或”經商”或”受各种金錢及經濟困擾中”的任何年齡階層的海外男女華人
1. 某君於海外留學途中,銀包身份證明文件和護照全被盜去,影響留學生活及升學,,本会迅速在經濟上支援了他一下.
2. 某君本人或他的海外家人因急病或意外进去医院,無力支付巨額医療費用,本会迅速在經濟上支援了他一下
3. 某君的工商生意突然出現資金週轉困难的局面,生意面臨破產或倒閉,本会迅速在經濟上支援了他一下
4. 某君於海外留學途中,生活及留學費用不夠花且家人未能即时幫助到他而面臨校方馬上命他退學回国(或在当地也找不到臨时兼职幫補生計),本会迅速在經濟上支援了他一下
5. 某君定居於海外或正在留學生活中,因突然工作被辭去,未能馬上即时找到対口的工作且沒太多儲蓄,身边或家人未能即时經濟上幫到他, 捉襟見肘,本会迅速在經濟上支援了他一下
6. 某君在海外遇人不熟,被人騙了巨款,生活或生計頓成影響,急需現金週轉(他的家人或朋友或身边的人未能即时經濟上支援或幫助到他)最后他联絡本会,本会迅速在經濟上支援了他一下,使他能繼續在海外立足.
7. 某君不想回国發展事業或繼續學業或只想留在当地留學国家發展事業或繼續學業,但他再沒其它辦法即时拿出錢來支持他的理想或目標,本会迅速在經濟上支援了他一下
8. 某君因在海外嗜賭(想生活質數再得以提高),把整副身家輸光光,房屋車子和所有現金或存款輸得一干二淨,最后他联絡本会,本会迅速在經濟上支援了他一下,暫且讓他渡过了人生难関.
9. 某君的人生伴侶/另一半(老公或老婆),私下把他全部現金和存款提光且一走了之,他本人頓时生活及經濟跌入困境或人生低谷,最后他看到本会的网上廣告,联絡本会,本会迅速在經濟上支援了他一下,暫且讓他渡过了此刻难関.
如欲有意出点捐出你的善款於有需要之人,請自加我們微信號/微信 id和我們联絡或直接經微信轉帳.
微.信號/微.信 id / wechat pay id : tutormacau 或自加我們的国內电話號碼 : 8613543034004 或 13543034004 (需加好友才能轉帳) 又或 直接按 ”掃一掃” 掃一下我們的支付CODE也可以直接支付捐款給我們,多少無拘(几十几百几千几万或更多皆可), 我們的支付CODE在本廣告內附有,直接用微信掃一下即可支付捐款給本会.
P.S. 如閣下把善款用支付宝轉帳給本会, 只需輸入本会的電郵([email protected])或电話號碼(13543034004 or 13620460844 or 13620461516)三者皆可,多少無拘,($500-$49000 rmb or even more is also ok)
For PAYPAL to send us donation money from wide world :
or can use paypal to pay us your donation money directly so send to this paypal mail then we can receive : [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]
(you can choose any one mail from our those 6 mail addresses to send us your donation by paypal coz those of our 6 mail addresses are also available that we can receive your global warm donation too from anywhere the world)
当然,除此之外,还有其它方法可直接捐出善款幫到海外各地有需要之人,可以直接經微信或电郵去联絡我們,拿取其它捐款給本会之方法的詳細資料(除以上的方法,还有其它好几种),另外如果你也有这样的救援需要,也可以找我们了解一下。也许我们也可以在經濟上帮到你多小。if you have very urgent $ request for some reasons or urgent for money to use but nobody can help you immediately maybe you can contact with us then maybe we can help you some........welcome in 24 hours and anywhere in the world that is also available in anywhere or anytime as you like.
其它損款方法 : 可用any overseas bank or mainland china bank account(任何海外或中国国内的银行卡或銀行帐号网转或汇款or 直接银行转帐/ATM transfer/自动柜员机/到銀行直接排隊經櫃台轉帳或汇款),We chat pay/微.信轉帳支付 or 支付.宝轉帳/ali pay(这二者最快),西聯滙款/Western union or money gram/速汇金, 任何海外銀行帐号(any overseas international bank remittance send money online banking / e-banking or go to normal bank to wire us directly that is also available transaction) or paypal网转 or emt/E-transfer is also ok.
联絡我們的電郵/E-mail/QQ : [email protected] or [email protected] or QQ : 241427240
today we receive the total donation from the world that amount is $ 4,581,132 rmb around , thank you very much.
P.s. 本協会到目前為止收到的捐款總數目為 $ 53,119,638 人民币左右,謝謝各方大力支持捐款給本会去幫助全球168个国家的海外華人
2019/02/01 updated - (China time)
p.s.1 虽然大家各不相识, 但帮人确实可以积福/延寿/旺家财和事业, would you try this first step for us?It is coz maybe the next one person who can help other people maybe is you or it is also maybe the next one person who will be helped or need to help maybe you too
p.s.2 特別鳴謝那些在海外地方每天也給我們轉錢捐款的好心人,好人一生平安幸福, 同时也歡迎介紹或轉介你所有的朋友或身边所有的人或朋友轉錢或捐款來,感謝!
or click this link to see for more details fromus and our global donation details :
掃code直接捐款請按此LINK 或COPY AND PASTE, 內有CODE图!