VR 体验店 7万投入 轻松即可挣2千一周
想在澳洲找到又轻松投入又少又可以挣钱的商业吗? 加入到Facebook扎克伯格和马云爸爸称为真正的无限商机的VR行业吧一个生意要看值得投资与否,关键请看下面条件
1. 这行业能火吗?能有“钱”景吗?
- Facebook老板扎克伯格以20亿美元收购Oculus公司,称VR为下一代社交平台 - 苹果CEO库克发声:虚拟现实相当有趣,苹果已经申请了多项与VR和AR相关的专利 - 马云宣布了阿里的虚拟现实战略,成立VR实验室,打造阿里“Buy+”计划,将再一次刷新中国消费者的购物体验 世界上最聪明的人都投入到这个行业呢。还不赶快跟上。 2. 产品有竞争力吗? - 请看客人在我们店的体验视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySt2VoWqndc&feature=youtu.be
3. 社会反馈
Thanks so much Derek. What A hit these machines were! Theassistant/facilitator you put on over the weekend was absolutely brilliant bythe way – we loved her.
Jeremy Angerson | Knox CityCouncil Festival and Events Officer
Hi Derek, I am happy that everything worked out for you at the festival. Weare pleased to have you and will definitely touch base when we are having futureevents.Zare / Williamstown Musical Festival Organizer
I\\\'m sure the board will greatly appreciate seeing the success. Also thankyou for your generous and kind offer. We run 2 community festivals a year (Mayand November) and will definitely keep doing business with you. Once the dateof the May festival is confirmed, I will email you to book us in.
Marina / Hallam Event Organizer
$7万加盟费, 没有额外任何每月的费用(含4套设备和电脑,POS系统,电视)我们VRadventure world 品牌,从场地选址,租约谈判,机器set up, 员工培训,机器保修,市场推广一站式服务,3年保修。
没时间的朋友请看以下视频,看看澳洲人们有多爱我们的VR 项目。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySt2VoWqndc&feature=youtu.be 有兴趣朋友请与我联系 0449591208 Derek
Kind regards,Derek WangFutureV Pty LtdSuite 2, Level 1, 99William StreetMelbourne, Vic 3000Mobile:0449591208Email: [email protected]: http://www.futurev.com.au/http://www.vradventureworld.com.au