Michael824 发表于 2019-5-2 12:28:23

珀斯WILSON河边高级宅区, 3x1好房招租,近Curtin大學

新装修。 有冰箱,微波炉,洗衣机,可以煮饭。 3间房里都有双人床, 书桌子, 椅子和衣橱。
位于 191 Watts Road, Wilson,5分钟走路到巴士站, 可以直达科廷大学。坐车近Carousel Shopping 和 RivertonShopping Centre, 也可以直达市中心。
走路2分钟到河边, 有咖啡店,餐馆和烧烤的美丽环境。河边是高级住宅区, 环境和治安超好, 位置也很方便。
需要簽租約一年以上,入住时需付4星期押金和4星期租金。欢迎上班族和学生入住。 男女不限。
有意请发短信给我 Michael, 我不一定接到电话。 谢谢

Wilson riverside 3x1 villa with 2 undercoverparking for rent.
Address 191 Watts road Wilson

Newly renovated and fully furnished with fridge,microwave, washing machine, oven cooktop, couch.
All 3 bedrooms has double bed, desk, chair androbe.

Walking distance to bus stop that goes direct toCurtin uni, Perth CBD, Bull creek station, Cannington station, Carouselshopping, Riverton shopping.
Walking distance to canning river, cafe,takeaway shops.
Perfect and safe environment for family andstudents.

Minimum 1yr stay with 4weeks bond and 4weeksrent in advance. Longer lease can be negotiated.

Please sms Michael for appointment as I cannotalways pick up my phone.
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查看完整版本: 珀斯WILSON河边高级宅区, 3x1好房招租,近Curtin大學