和而不同一 发表于 2019-12-5 11:18:57

活动预告 | 苏世民学者职场青年分享会-北京场


  时间与地点 Time and Location

  时间:2019年12月7日 15:00-16:30

  Time: December 7, 2019 15:00-16:30


  Location: WeWork, 9 Dongzhimen Inner Street, Dongcheng, Beijing

  活动日程 Agenda

  - 14:40 - 15:00签到Sign-in

  - 15:00 - 15:20苏世民书院介绍 Intro to Schwarzman College

  - 15:30 - 15:50在读苏世民学者分享 Sharing from current Schwarzman Scholars

  - 15:50 - 16:30自由交流Coffee chat

  学者 Spotlight

  冯冠华 Roger Feng

  曾就职于鼎晖投资及新希望集团, 2017年创立私募基金管理公司参与了23家知名大陆企业海外上市前的投资机会及中外企业跨境并购投资顾问。

  Roger Feng started his career in CDH Investment as an PE analyst and then led the sector of overseas investment and global financing in New Hope Group. In 2017 he co-founded a fund management company to invest in pre-IPO and cornerstone opportunities in HKEX, NYSE and NASDAQ.

  何珊珊 Shanshan He


  Shanshan He is passionate about promoting adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and rights. She has been serving as the Governing Council Member of International Planned Parenthood Federation.

  刘之源 Victor Liu


  Victor Zhiyuan Liu has been engaged in technology consulting and investment related work. He has experiences as an entrepreneur in the United States and as an investor in the ZGC Development Group, China.

  史洁颖 Jieying Shi


  Jieying Shi is passionate about green technology and aspires to be among the catalysts that will bring the society economic, social and environmental values. She has experience in Private Equity covering cross-border M&As; she has also worked at Glencore and Airbnb.

  参与方式 Attendance


  Scan QR code or Click on the bottom corner to register your spot



  清华大学苏世民书院秉承“立足中国、面向世界”的原则,整合全球一流教育资源,依托清华大学综合实力,致力于培养深入了解中国与世界的未来全球领袖,打造独特的全球对话平台,成为促进中国和世界高等教育创新的先行者。书院每年在全球招收至多200名学生进行全英文的硕士课程学习,并提供综合奖学金。了解更多招生及书院信息,请登陆网站w w w.sc.tsinghua.edu.cn,并关注微信公众平台@清华大学苏世民书院,以及新浪微博 @清华大学苏世民学者项目。

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