<p style="margin:20px 0px">昨日,中国经济的 " 最新成绩单 " 公布,刷屏了西方各大主流媒体。</p><p style="margin:20px 0px"><div align="center"><br><br>data/attachment/portal/202010/20/184710ypa5pfa4faga5upc.jpg<br></div><p style="margin:20px 0px">CNN:中国经济让全世界都眼红</p></p><p style="margin:20px 0px">当地时间 10 月 19 日,美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)以 " 中国经济让全世界都眼红 "(China's economy is the envy of the world )为题报道了这一幕。</p><p style="margin:20px 0px"><div align="center"><br><br>data/attachment/portal/202010/20/184710f626na2onoflo068.jpg<br></div>《纽约时报》也报道称,当世界大部分地区仍在艰难应对新冠疫情之时,中国再次向世界表明,只要病毒能得到有效控制,经济就有可能快速反弹。</p><p style="margin:20px 0px"><p style="margin:20px 0px">As most of the world still struggles with the coronavirus pandemic, China is showing once again that a fast economic rebound is possible when the virus is brought firmly under control.</p></p><p style="margin:20px 0px">疫情大考下,今年中国前三季度经济增长由负转正,CNN 报道称:正向世界展示成功控制住新冠疫情的可能性。19 日上午,中国国家统计局公布了三季度经济数据,多个指标由负转正。这表明,中国经济正延续稳定恢复态势。</p><p style="margin:20px 0px">中国政府周一公布的数据显示,中国经济第三季度增长 4.9%,这一数据向世界其他国家展示了新冠肺炎成功控制后可以达到的目标。</p><p style="margin:20px 0px"><p style="margin:20px 0px">China's economy expanded by 4.9% in the third quarter compared to the previous year, according to government data published Monday, showing the rest of the world what's possible when Covid-19 is brought under control.</p></p><p style="margin:20px 0px">昨天(10 月 19 日),国家统计局对外发布了前三季度经济数据。初步核算,前三季度国内生产总值 722786 亿元,按可比价格计算同比增长 0.7%。总体看,前三季度经济增速由负转正,供需关系逐步改善,市场活力动力增强,就业民生较好保障,国民经济延续稳定恢复态势。分季度看,一季度同比下降 6.8%,二季度增长 3.2%,三季度增长 4.9%。</p><p style="margin:20px 0px">CNN19 日谈及中国取得的相关数据时表示," 低于 5% 的增长率通常在中国会引发担忧,因为中国已经习惯了更快的增长。但考虑到当前的形势,(中国的经济数据)已经相当不错了。要知道世界大多数其他大型经济体的复苏都还任重而道远,与之相比,中国的表现就更了不起了。"</p><p style="margin:20px 0px"><p style="margin:20px 0px">Growth of less than 5% would normally be a cause for real concern in China, which is accustomed to much quicker expansion. But it's pretty good considering the circumstances, and even more remarkable when compared to the extremely fragile recoveries underway in most other big economies.</p><p style="margin:20px 0px">CNN:回看当时对中国的指责,</p><p style="margin:20px 0px">再看看现在的美国</p></p><p style="margin:20px 0px">CNN 回顾称,最初,北京应对新冠病毒的方式还受到了一些西方政客的批评。但正是中国严格的防疫封锁和检测措施助其控制住了新冠病毒疫情;此外,中国还拨款数千亿美元用于大型基础设施项目,以推动经济增长;央行也恪尽职守。(The country also set aside hundreds of billions of dollars for major infrastructure projects to fuel economic growth. The central bank has done its part, too.)</p><p style="margin:20px 0px">CNN 反观其它国家,对比报道称,欧美国家现在正面临另一波新冠病例激增的形势。文章特别举例美国,痛心地写道:" 几乎每个州都在朝着错误的方向前进。"" 平均每天有超过 55000 例新增感染病例——这一数字自 9 月中旬下降以来上涨了 60% 以上。"</p><p style="margin:20px 0px"><p style="margin:20px 0px">Europe and the United States are now facing another surge of coronavirus cases...The United States is averaging more than 55,000 new cases a day — up more than 60% since a mid-September dip, and pretty much every state is trending the wrong direction.</p></p><p style="margin:20px 0px">CNN 预测说,美国短期内可能不会进入封锁状态,但在病例数大幅减少之前,其经济将一直处于瘫痪状态。</p><p style="margin:20px 0px"><p style="margin:20px 0px">The United States is probably not headed for a national lockdown anytime soon, but its economy will remain hamstrung until there's a dramatic reduction in the number of coronavirus cases. </p>彭博社:全世界松了一口气</p><p style="margin:20px 0px">此前,10 月 13 日,国际货币基金组织(IMF)公布最新一期 " 世界经济展望 ",预测今年世界经济将萎缩 4.4%。" 世界经济展望 " 中提到,中国将是世界主要经济体中唯一保持正增长的国家,预计今年增长为 1.9%,明年将达到 8.2%。</p><p style="margin:20px 0px"></p><p style="margin:20px 0px"><div align="center"><br><br>data/attachment/portal/202010/20/184712szmryv0x313ly101.jpg<br></div>《纽约时报》介绍称," 未来几个月,中国的领先优势可能进一步扩大。中国现在几乎没有本地新增病例,而美国和欧洲则面临着另一波加速的疫情。"</p><p style="margin:20px 0px"><p style="margin:20px 0px">China's lead could widen further in the months to come. It has almost no local transmission of the virus now, while the United States and Europe face another accelerating wave of cases.</p></p><p style="margin:20px 0px">彭博社在评论文章中强调了中国经济复苏的全球贡献。文章称,中国经济归来,世界松了一口气。如果没有中国经济这次反弹,刚刚开始的全球复苏将变得更加脆弱。</p><p style="margin:20px 0px"><p style="margin:20px 0px">China's economy is back-ish and the world can exhale. Without this rebound, the nascent global recovery would be on even thinner ice.</p><p style="margin:20px 0px"> </p><p style="margin:20px 0px"> 编辑:王瑜</p><p style="margin:20px 0px"> 来源:中国日报新媒体</p></p>免责声明:如果本文章内容侵犯了您的权益,请联系我们,我们会及时处理,谢谢合作!