Kwanhe Air 专业安装商业及家庭中央ducted,分体空调,牌子包括Daikin大金,三菱重工,三零电子,松下, 格力,美的,富士,日立等等, 以及各样空调维修保养,冻房, 风房和制冷设备。简单介绍用心的服务, 24 hours on call! 如咨询报价,请发邮件到[email protected],我们会电话回复。Kwanhe Air,Professional installation of ducted and split air conditioning system for all A/C brands, and repairs/maintenance of all air conditioning systems, coolroom & freezing room, and refrigeration equipment.Simple introduction, to the heart of the service, 24 hours on call!Please email to [email protected] to get a call back.