小白痴大生活 发表于 2015-12-16 19:48:59

布里斯班capalaba 回转寿司店诚聘

本帖最后由 华夏云 于 2015-12-17 06:32 编辑

回转寿司店,现诚聘 外场服务员,工资面议含super!
外场服务员 (男女不限,要求能吃苦耐劳,勤快认真,服从管理。须有流利英文)

上班地点:1. Capalaba Central Shopping Center
有意者请把简历发到 [email protected] 并说明你感兴趣工作的是哪个location的寿司店

Japanese sushi restaurant.

We are now hiring waiting staff . We can talk about the rate in person. All the salaries we pay include superannuation.
<p align="left">Position:</p>
Waiting Staff ( Hard working,good attitude, and fluent in English is essential)

Working location: 1. Capalaba Central Shopping Centre
Please send us your resume to: [email protected] and indicate which restaurants of the above two are you interested in. We will get back to you in the soonest manner.

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