NewStars 纽星达 Sydney Head Office 诚聘校园大使
本帖最后由 NewStars团队 于 2016-5-13 14:38 编辑NewStars Education And Migration (纽星达教育移民)是澳大利亚政府正式批准注册的留学移民机构,公司总部设在悉尼,分公司位于墨尔本、堪培拉和中国南京。NewStars 精英团队,多年来致力于提供高效专业的一对一VIP留学、移民服务。近几年,NewStars帮助3000多国内外学生成功办理升学、转学业务,签证成功率近乎100%,学生成功入学率100%。2015-2016年度成功处理近百例雇主担保移民案例,并且NewStars精英团队对投资移民(188)业务有着丰富的经验,资深移民律师会为您量身定制最适合您的移民之路。本着专业 诚信 服务至上的原则,我司业务量迅速扩大,现诚聘以下岗位,期待有经验,有能力之士加入到我们的团队。
Newstars issearching for energetic and reliable individuals to work on a range ofpromotional campaigns for events as well as some other promotionalactivities. If you're comfortable engaging in conversations, acting as a brandadvocate, and learning new skills quickly---this could be the role for you!! Starting immediately,we're looking for the passionate people who live up to a challenge and want tojoin a highly performing tactical team. The position is on a casual andflexible basis around the university which you're currently studying inSydney. Ideally suited to uni students oranyone looking for extra work!
So an ideal candidatewould:• Excellent timemanagement and organizational skills•Excellent verbal and written communication skills
• Strong interpersonal and relationship building skills• Be wellpresented and organized.
• Effectiveness in a face paced and constantly changing environment
• Willingness to take control of work and be proactive
• A 'can do' attitude
what we offer:• Great hourly rate at $15/hr-$25/hr+ Commission, depending on the role and performance!• Flexible days/hours/ locations--make it work around you!• Opportunity to go permanent!• Great support andtraining!• Cultural club withcompany drinks fortnightly!•Practical experience in developing and implementing marketing strategy!• A highdegree of exposure and referenceablework for future career aspiration! To apply for thisposition, please send your resume to [email protected]
请问校园大使主要做些什么呢? 梅三叠 发表于 2016-5-11 21:37
欢迎你投简历或者是直接来公司咨询。 听起来很不错啊, 有点像学生干部的感觉 8a4l9146 发表于 2016-5-12 20:05
听起来很不错啊, 有点像学生干部的感觉
此职位比较适合uni学生,,兼顾学习的同时也能锻炼工作能力,增加工作经验,也可以缓解部分经济压力。在此职位上工作突出的candidate是可以成为full time employee的,当然,毕业后有工作签证的情况下。
如果是持有工作签证的graduates, 请申请我公司的full time 职位,如留学移民顾问, 市场专员及业务文案。
NewStars团队 发表于 2016-5-13 10:53
此职位比较适合uni学生,,兼顾学习的同时也能锻炼工作能力,增加工作经 ...
那请问, 如果想申请移民顾问的职位的话,需要什么要求吗? 如果没有这方面的工作经验, 会考虑吗? 你好。
关于移民顾问的职位要求是至少有一年的相关工作经验。 如果你坚持对这个职位很感兴趣或者有很强的学习能力,请将你的简历发至 [email protected] 公司会对你的情况酌情考虑,谢谢! ktst7271 发表于 2016-5-17 21:48
那请问, 如果想申请移民顾问的职位的话,需要什么要求吗? 如果没有这方面的工作经验, 会考虑吗?
关于移民顾问的职位要求是至少有一年的相关工作经验。 如果你坚持对这个职位很感兴趣或者有很强的学习能力,请将你的简历发至 [email protected] 公司会对你的情况酌情考虑,谢谢!