
标题: 布里斯班part time/full time staff wanted [打印本页]

作者: blair222    时间: 2016-8-15 18:31
标题: 布里斯班part time/full time staff wanted

<strong>About us</strong>
H&amp;T Brisbane is a global real estate agency specialized in residential real estate service, based in the heart of Brisbane CBD. It is recognized as leaders within the Australian real estate market.H&amp;T represents the words ‘<strong>H</strong>onesty’ and ‘<strong>T</strong>rust’, which are our core company principles. They govern our actions, set the standard across all sectors of our company and push us to excellence.We aim to be a leading property investment consulting company that provides quality investment products and a full range of services to assist our valuable customers reach financial freedom.

<strong>About the role</strong>
We are looking for Real Estate sales consultant (preferably mandarin speakers) who will be responsible for the development and performance of all sales activities. This position will see you as a professional expert with rich experience and skills towards the achievement of maximum profitability and growth in line with our company vision, values and strategic plan.

<strong>Duties and Responsibilities</strong>
Possess essential knowledge in property market analysisUnderstand customers’ needs and financials abilities in order to propose solutions that suit themProvide professional guidance and assist buyers in property purchasing for the right price under the best termsDevelop networks and cooperate with attorneys, mortgage lenders and contractorRemain knowledgeable about real estate markets and best practices

<strong>Skills and Experience</strong>
Exceptional communication skills - ability to speak fluently in English and MandarinBeing self motivated and drivenEffective negotiation and customer service skillsImmaculate presentation and customer engagementBeing passionate or having an interest in propertyReal Estate experience is advantageous but not essential

Please send your resume to<strong> [email protected]</strong> or contact 0426488114 for more infomation


H&amp;T 华信是地产投资咨询国际领导品牌,除了悉尼总部之外,我们于澳洲两大城市墨尔本和布里斯班,以及中国上海均设有分公司及办事处。



•&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;協助客戶實現財富自由
•&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;建立長期良好的客戶關係,與客戶共建美好未來
•&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;貢獻華信的一份力量構建和諧社會


诚实信任– 我們相信個人及企業開啟成功之門的鑰匙就在這裡
客戶成就 – 我們承諾為客戶爭取最大的投資回報,協助客戶邁向成功之路
公平公正 – 我們尊重客戶的選擇,並輔以專業透明的意見
客戶導向 – 我們以客戶為本,為客戶量身訂做最適合的服務和產品




有意者请发送简历至 [email protected]
电话或短信至0426488114 Dennis

recognized, investment, principles, represents, property

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