1)经过认证的资格评估 through recognised (accredited) Engineering Qualifications:
1. 澳大利亚学历-所有三种水平 Australian Qualifications—All Three Levels
2. 华盛顿协议-专业工程师 Washington Accord for Professional Engineer
3. 悉尼协议-工程技术人员 Sydney Accord for Engineering Technologist
2)通过提交能力证明报告 (未经认证的学历,包括中国工科学士学历)through a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR) for non-recognised qualifications
CDR主要可评估的地方是用英文写三段职业经历和各方面能力的一个总结陈述,The major assessable features of the CDR are your narratives written in English of three career episodes and a Summary Statement of the competency elements you have claimed.