标题: DIY爹妈143签证,一些疑问,望前辈指点 [打印本页] 作者: ismiao 时间: 2015-5-4 04:24 标题: DIY爹妈143签证,一些疑问,望前辈指点 如题,作为一名孝顺的独生女,本人努力赚钱给亲爱的爹妈办理143签证,目前DIY中,预计5月左右递交申请.<br /><br />填表过程中有少许疑问,望大家指点....<br /><br />在47PA表格有一条:<br /><br />(34)<br />if you are applying for a visa that can only be granted to a person outside Australia: What is the value of money, goods and assets which you intend to bring to Australia?<br /><br />Local currency:<br />Australia dollar equivalent:<br /><br />这个具体该填写多少呀?没经验!<br /><br />(58)<br />要求填写申请人父母的出生年月,我爷爷死得早,生日没人记得了,咋办?随便填?还是不写?<br /><br />(71)看了移民局官网,说目前付费增加了credit card surcharge,但是官网又写You can pay by credit card, bank cheque or money order made payable to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection,看来还是操作bank cheque最便宜,但是官网也没写清楚具体是寄check到哪里?大家知道吗?有人通过CHECK来递交申请的吗?<br /><br />From 19 April 2014, a credit card surcharge will apply to transactions made using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB and Diners credit cards. The following rates will apply:<br /><br />Visa and Mastercard - 1.08%<br />American Express and JCB - 1.99%<br />Diners Club International - 2.91%<br /><br />最后一个问题:PASSPORT上的VISA EVIDENCE NUMBER到底指的哪个数字?<br /><br />提前谢谢大家.<br /><br />作者: 0℃訫 时间: 2015-5-4 15:32
楼主加油作者: 百湛必胜客r 时间: 2015-5-4 19:59
1. 我随便填的 填了6000人民币...
2. 我爷爷奶奶已去世 没填生日 只是标明DECEASED
3. 我用的Bank Cheque 对方填Department of Immigration and Border Protection