我当时申请婚姻超过2年有孩子 这次怀老二把医生证明补充过去了 4月份说复活节那周会分到签证官 很幸运 没有要我补任何材料 也没有联络我 5.9号收到直接下pr的信 从分到签证官到批 一个月不到作者: hdsj6268 时间: 2014-6-7 02:11
现在自已怀孕时申请,你和宝宝马上是PR。不用等二年,过不用经过TR那一段作者: 金帝科技 时间: 2014-6-7 04:25
I think it is really depend on your case officer and the "evidence" you provided....
I got two friends got their PR straight away, both didn't have child and officially married less than 2 yrs...
but I only get my TR....that's fine~~