The ‘Balance of Family’ (BoF) test* requires that either:
• at least half of your children are eligible children; or
• the number of eligible children is greater than the greatest number of ineligible children who are
usually resident in a particular overseas county
Note: Step-children are only counted if they are:
• a child of the applicant’s current partner; or
• under 18 years of age and a child of a former partner of the applicant, or a former partner of the
applicant’s current partner, and the applicant or the applicant’s partner has a legal responsibility to
look after the child.作者: 755144030 时间: 2015-2-25 19:24
那就是可以申请了作者: hdsj6268 时间: 2015-2-26 00:30
可以申请作者: 创业青年科技 时间: 2015-2-26 04:52
就是说两个小孩 也可以过平衡测试?